shakin steak

I thought it was a funny parody of internet language and enjoyed the commercial. Then Mrs steak told me, no, they're probably just actually trying to look with it. I think she's right

It's not called "Gilmore Girls and What Happens to Their Boyfriends After They Break Up" because that would be boring


Yes, it was a poor choice.

@ 1:25? Page four of the Zelda 2 manual

Yo you misspelled strongest

random roles, more like pretty comprehensive rundown of roles

It sounded nice, but being a medley made it a really uncohesive piece of music, so it wasn't very interesting.

I can buy a flux capacitor that is correctly-sized and does have a function, (in a car, no less) for half that, and I don't even have to wash spray paint off my hands afterwards.

Personally, I'm glad to not be the target of corporate buzzwording advertisers

Maybe you should have said you give precisely and only 1 (one) fuck

Wait, so you're saying every movie can't be #1?? How is this possible

I got into it recently with a really very nice right-wing friend who said the real estate market crashed because the government forced banks to give people mortgages they couldn't afford.

I keep hearing about it, but if that's an example of how funny he used to be, I'll stick to being aggressively unimpressed.

Frank Miller saved the whole industry from an impenetrable reputation as claptrap for children and retards with Dark Knight Returns, so they just let him do whatever he wants now. And his filter hasn't worked right since about seven years after that.


Yeah. Thanks for sarcastically elaborating on what I said. But it's usually a one-way street. Rare for a voice actor's role to picked up by a well-known Hollywood face. Usually when a voice actor is replaced they just get another voice actor. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great, and more talented than the

I have found that this applies to many cartoons I grew up watching, especially the ones based on other properties.