shakin steak

Unless you pronounce fajita "fuh - jie - ta"… idgi

She didn't buy it to eat. She bought it to teach Holt a lesson. Which would not be very effective with a 1 dollar cupcake. She got a luxury cupcake to match his luxury car.

I call it "baleman". Intense whisper growling
à la Christian Bale's Batman.

Mark Zuckerburg.

What if he's whispering?
Korben, Korben, Korbenkorbenkorbenkorbenkorben: WHAT are gonna DO?

shitty CGI would have rendered this movie…

My immediate thought on starting this article was about how Korben Dallas is way more Harry Canyon than anything in Star Wars…

The funny thing is, Besson probably has them. He knows all kinds of minutiae about it, like what apartments cost. Damn shame he hasn't done more with it.

The artisanal ones are. So, yes, always.


As I said. Disenfranchisement (caused in part by the things I listed) gives people anger/fear. So they express themselves violently. Men feel pressure to be masculine and powerful. Part of that is done by putting down women, (who many cultures treat as inferior in various ways, not just rap). The fans come from the

Why did you tell me to stop using "poverty", because it's too politically correct, instead of the more correct term "childhood abuse and neglect", when you yourself equate them on your blog? And if politically correct language is unproductive, why do you keep referring to "my American neighbors of African descent"

Yes, how shallow for someone to prize working with the biggest tastemaker in his chosen line of work, into which he has poured decades of desperate pushing, on his own project. So very petty.

Of course you think he would disagree. Because you disagree. If you tell him those things will solve his problems, he will agree. But I don't think they will.

You seem to understand that sometimes people need help and education. I appreciate that. I don't think drug testing and surveillance cameras should be primary parts of that.

A Dig Dug movie could be good. It wouldn't, but it could.

OK… I don't care if it's called "poverty" (a word taken by the way, from your first post) or "childhood abuse and neglect" (I don't use this simply because it is 8 syllables instead of 3). Call it "niggers doing stupid shit" if you're so opposed to PC language. Whatever. You're expending an awful lot of energy trying


Well, you are responding to a comment about TV shows and movies

I don't think it's absurd at all. It's possible I misinterpreted what you said, which sounded like poverty causes stress to officers and therefore it should be worked on. I think poverty should be addressed for the sake of humanity, regardless of whether it will result in fewer incidents of bad police behavior.