shakin steak

Remember when he did the Garfield movie? I always thought that was bizarre, even if it wasn't a piece of crap.

stealing your 3rd paragraph brb kthx

If not all the time, at least for a topic as general as gentrification. But I suppose they have their mode set, and it's hard to adjust your process.

They accidentally spent the VFX budget on their "kitchen from the future" set design

Why it's the AT-5000 Auto-Dialer. My very first patent. Aw, would you listen to the gibberish they've got you saying, it's sad and alarming.



Lemonade Stand is perfection in edutainment you shut your whore mouth

I saw a young man over there with the eggs benedict. He had the eggs benedict with a hollandaise sauce and the eggs, there. And I was going to suggest to you that you serve your eggs with hollandaise sauce and hubcaps. Because there's no plates like chrome for the hollandaise!

Before Edward Bernays was hired by big bacon, American breakfast was simply toast and coffee.

See, but it's still toejam, and I'm just not down with that

Edward Bernays

It's not that easy bein' green

because you never paid attention to Paula Deen before her implosion

Critique the grammar if you like but I'm pretty sure my interpretation is closer to reality

Maybe I need to rewatch, but I never saw him as a prick. More like an exasperated, frustrated, or panicked producer in a situation where he's the only one who cares what happens, so nothing is going right and everybody else wants to talk about anything but the show.

If it were a period, it would end an incomplete sentence.

Savage Dragon

You mean those things like little records, but they're silver?

Look at the turtles that squirt out of their shells when you stomp on them.