shakin steak

The exceptions? Do you mean exceptional examples?

NSMB is fun for me but it doesn't quite hold up as well. The ability to save your game is actually a detriment, IMO. The soundtrack is nowhere near varied enough. The worlds repeat old themes. carnivorous *flora?

I have such a copy, with the commercials as it originally aired. It's pretty cool.

So you're saying you want to work for Michael Scott?

ok….you are referring to Jada Pinkett Smith and her son Jaden, yes? I don't know any other Jada/Jaden so I'm going with that assumption. Well Jaden's father is Will Smith and Jaden's sister is named Willow.

Are you ready to have your mind blown? :

The homeless people all got kicked out of the park and the park is now a dog park and that dog park is full of babies and the babies have dog names and the dogs have baby names.

The world is certainly sexist, but I think the answers are roughly proportional to what is portrayed overall. And I'd wager that 5/19 is actually better representation than real life.

I mentioned the pre-Simpsons stuff only as evidence that adult cartoons aren't a New Thing. Mainstream knowledge in the modern era (post Flintstones, which did originally air in prime time and appeal to adults (?!)) would begin with The Simpsons, which, as innocuous as it seems now, was rather subversive for broadcast

I initially skipped the last three paragraphs. You have prodded me to finish reading the essay. I think you make an interesting point that doesn't come across in the article for me.

For whatever masturbatory/overdone insights St. Ian has re: technology, I like the intro to the interview. Pointing cameras at one's self, whether for future still images or distant conversational purposes, will be greatly improved when OLACSJ (Our Lord And Creator Steve Job) figures out how to integrate the input

I'm only comfortable behind a veil of animosity. Thickness is variable.

Georgia is halfway between Illinois and Florida?

A lot of time spent in this article on the subversiveness of cartoons for adults. I love the format but we are well past the point of it being unusual. From Ralph Bakshi's films and R Crumb's comics to Liquid Television, to say nothing of Tex Avery's howling wolf, media that squares think is "kids' stuff" has been

I grew up…not rich, but certainly comfortable, and I just wanna say you don't have to be a poor kid to talk into fans

So he's a plant?

Call me crazy, but I'd rather patronize a business who used a not-yet-known pedophile in their (probably not even created in-house) commercials, like Subway, than one that makes minimum wage employees sign non-compete agreements forbidding them from working for a competitor for two years after leaving, like Jimmy

sounds like something out of Always Sunny

What. That sounds awesome