
Thought the same thing. Between actors getting moved into different parts AFTER filming was supposed to have started already, and the original show-runner leaving - these are pretty tell-tale signs of a project in serious trouble.

I don't know, the idea of a guy screaming "Who does Number Two work for?!" while trying to go to the bathroom, is still pretty funny to me.

You're right - in the case of the Charles Murray event, they actually did assault someone (a teacher), requiring her to go to the hospital. Or in the case of Milo's Berkeley event a while back, they started tossing molotovs.

The point of challenging him, much like the point of a public debate, isn't to change the mind of the person you're speaking to - it's to change the minds of the people in the audience, who may not have given it much thought, or thought of your perspective.

Maher took a few light jabs at him, but otherwise pivoted to what they share in common - like being protested at Berkeley, and how they both allegedly cherish free speech.

Coulter and Milo are professional trolls, not people with coherent worldviews, so you're probably right. Although then I'd just opt to stay home, and let them preach to their choir of like-minded morons.

Not even a little. Charles Murray came to my school back when I was in university, and I relished the opportunity to hit the podium and challenge him on the shitty parts of The Bell Curve, which I did.

You'd think, but alas. I avoided the last few AV Club articles about this stuff, because it's just too depressing seeing people say the equivalent of "I'm all for free speech, but…".

The comments on stories like these, by alleged liberals, continue to be a source of breathtaking disappointment. I can only imagine what the ACLU would make of the intellectual confusion around how free speech as a principle, actually works. Or how just calling an opinion "hate speech" doesn't change that principle

The Thong Song is not something you can just dump something on - it's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.

I don't think it's a given at all that most viewers have seen a Nakamura match. Smackdown pulls over 2.5 million live viewers a week - how many people watch NXT on the WWE Network?

He was in the SD brand's best feud for a couple of months in 2016, with the Miz stuff. After it was over, the fans stopped caring about him again.

They are making his (televised) in-ring debut seem big, by holding him back from wrestling. I've got no problem with that. I've also got no problem with these promo segments where Ziggler is largely carrying them, because asking Nakamura to deliver anything more than a few lines will expose him.

But dontcha know, once someone creates a superhero, they are supposed to be placed in a box with thick walls for the rest of time, and no writer is ever allowed to try and take the character outside that box - even if it's for the ultimate purpose of deconstructing the founding ideals of the character, or the story

The entire point of The Hateful Eight, is that all eight of the principal characters are bastards, including Domergue. It's right there in the title.

It enhances things for the neurotic people of the future, who need to be able to wireless-ly schedule the function of every device in their house, as well as check it's status.

Most juicers just use centrifugal blending, but health derps have gotten it into their heads that "cold pressed" juice is somehow better for you. There is very little evidence for this, but hey, these are many of the same people who think vaccines give you autism, and humans should eat like it's still the paleolithic

The VCs largely thought they were backing a device that would cold-press actual combinations of fruit and vegetable chunks, into juice - because for whatever reason "cold pressed juice" is all the rage these days, despite little to no evidence for it being superior to conventional ways of making juice. Customers

I might have been fine with the decision to have Superman kill Zod, but only if the movie spent more time before that point hammering home that he doesn't kill people, and only if they really made it clear that he had no choice. Snyder did neither of those things. The kill comes at the end of an orgy of death and

I thought the last 30 minutes of Man of Steel were pretty comprehensively awful disaster porn, but taking MORE online potshots at the guy for a directorial decision he made in a four year old film? I think I'm good.