
I think Bliss has tons of potential, her facial expressions are great, and she's pretty good on the mic (always hard to judge this in WWE, because where does the character work come up against the scripting?). But there's no question to me that Charlotte is a massive upgrade - in the ring, and to a lesser extent, on

True, though in this case Gunn already confirmed Bowie is in the movie somewhere.

Licensed music in the movie might be slightly different from what makes it into the actual soundtrack they will sell. They've already used Suffragette City in the TV spots, so I assume that must be in the movie somewhere.

I could go many years without ever seeing that middle rope tope he does every match, or the "wacky line", and be quite happy.

Advance congratulations to the ten lucky people who actually get to buy one.

I didn't even realize they were a call-up from NXT, because I'd never seen them wrestle.

His jobber history aside - in that moment, he looked like a good heel. That's something they can build on. Or at least, I'm willing to let them try.

I was responding more specifically to your comment that SD's roster was "gutted".

So was I, but I was also surprised by the solid reaction he got from the crowd for winning - and was actually kinda impressed by the promo he cut afterward, and the shower of boos the fans gave him for that too. And then I kinda thought "huh, maybe there's something to this".

That, or at the least they need to start shooting 205 Live BEFORE Smackdown, not after. You don't bring out the appetizers after the main course.

I agree it was too fast, but they've also get several more weeks to make Mahal look legitimate. And for all we know, there will be more turns in the Mahal storyline, considering how far away Backlash still is.

He's eaten the pin, but been booked a lot stronger in both matches. It's been two weeks of storytelling with these guys, and it'll take a little while for them all to fall into their programs.

I don't understand this idea that Smackdown's roster got "gutted" - Bliss for Charlotte is a straight upgrade, and gives Becky a wonderful heel to feud with, who can also wrestle. They got one of the best male heels (and wrestlers) in the company, in Owens - replacing Miz. Heath and Rhyno were dead, and got replaced

It's cute how they keep pretending there's any chance it could be Jericho winning their match.

The Wyatt v. Orton stuff is just death now, and I can't wait for it to be over. Wyatt is back to non-stop meaningless, spooky blather that he can't back up with wins, and Orton is just a good looking, bland cipher again.

You've gotta give them a chance to build Mahal into something. Backlash is like five weeks away. He got good heat from the fans when he won that match, and he delivered a solid promo afterward that also got the desired reaction.

Charlotte is the only "over" heel on Smackdown right now in that division. They won't flip her.

Injuring a dude with an accidental potato forearm doesn't make them an unsafe worker. Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins have injured more people than Mahal, and neither of them are unsafe either.

Harper and Sami would be face v. face with Orton. Sami would be a terrible heel, and it's too soon to flip Orton or Harper again, without killing them. Ziggler is already in a program with Nakamura. Mojo is also a face, and is about as "over" with the fans as Mahal anyway. The fans give less of a shit about Rowan

I kinda liked that Jinder won the six-man match. If I have a complaint, it was a sudden elevation after months of nothing but losing. Of course, this is where Shane or Daniel Bryan would say "land of opportunity" to you 48 times.