
He didn't "excoriate her for talking too much" - she was blathering on about steps, and shits, and marriage records that only matter to "expert" viewers (not Sam himself), while Sam is already frustrated about what he's been doing at the Citadel, and how it feels like a giant waste of his time. He then launched into

So, we basically have no doubt that Arya is going to kill Littlefinger this season, right?

Oh, look at Monty with his fancy book learning. Shut yer gob, and melt these here rocks down into some weapons for me, pissant.

I've seen the odd one - usually either indicated a run-of-the-mill white supremacist, or as you say, some country music idiots who are either ignorant or stupid, and don't get the actual meaning of the symbol (or don't care).

Even Ted Cruz managed to go miles further than Trump in condemning what happened today with specificity, and called for a criminal investigation.

The best the guy who criticized Obama repeatedly for not calling "Islamic terrorism" what it is can muster up, is an anodyne, non-specific statement about "hate" that mentions nothing about white nationalists.

Maybe it's because I'm Canadian, but I'll never understand the argument about Confederate iconography, that it's American history that should be "respected" and "honoured".

This was simply to try and demonstrate his innocence in a public, headline-grabbing way. It's a PR move. His lawyer surely knows such a lawsuit would never stick against a reporter in these circumstances.

I agree with you - but as a small clarification, throwing out American diplomats isn't really "fucked up". America has forced countries to cut diplomatic staffs in the past, and also seized diplomatic compounds from the Russians in late-2016.

The WH is insisting his remarks were "sarcastic".

Of all the things they choose to can the piece of garbage they hired in the first place over, they choose him sarcastically addressing liberals like they are Nazis? That was seriously what did it? Conservatives media idiots have been calling liberals Nazis for YEARS. Glenn Beck did entire episodes of his Fox News

He was always a good actor - the Twilight films just demanded nothing of him, except to look like he's always struggling to hold in a fart.

What happened to Marlon Wayans? At what point did he decide to give up an actual acting career, in order to make this endless parade of shitty, critically panned parodies?

Definitely agreed about Kornacki. He does great work during elections, as far as explaining the state of the electoral map and stuff.

Joy's show is pretty good too, but I was mostly focusing on the evening shows.

Velshi was alright, but I think Tapper is currently better than he ever was.

The original Sharknado was another Asylum shitfest along with the pantheon of other cheaply made "sci-fi" movies like "Gatorsaurus vs. Spidertron" or "Transmorphers", or whatever. It became a "thing" on the internet, because a handful of celebritries started tweeting about it during it's original air date on

Jeff Zucker needs a kick in the balls for every day he keeps people like Jeffrey Lord employed at his news network. Unfortunately their ratings are through the roof, as people can't wait to consume whatever the latest Trump insanity is, and hear nattering bobbleheads give their hot takes on it.

He's actually not the first President to complain about the state of the White House, though I suspect the fact that it doesn't have 18k gold bannisters and giant brass lions adorning the front lobby is what he really hates about it.

It occurs to me that the Starks are like some sort of medieval Justice League now. A group of people with tragic backstories and special powers. I fully expect Sansa to shoot lighting out of her fingers or something next week.