
- Ambulance spot was great. I think it's the kind of thing that would work for an (intentional) anti-hero in the Steve Austin vein these days, not really as a heel move (because people don't buy that it's really happening). But as a goofy come-uppance for a guy fans already hate? It's great.

This movie seems like it's going to cover a shitload of ground - going from Asgard I guess getting exploded, Thor dying and going to Hel, getting out of Hel, getting captured, fighting for the Grandmaster, escaping that, and wherever the mid-credits tease of Doctor Strange fits into all of this, with him looking for

All of the "bah gawd" and "with god as my witness he is broken in half!" and "stop the damn match!" stuff, are the things that made him amazing.

In terms of commentary, I don't mind JBL these days - he used to be completely insufferable, but he's no Otunga.

Thank fuck we got this solved. I'm so relieved.

Smackdown tag teams still sort of exist - American Alpha wrestled the Vaudevillains in a pre-show dark match! And Nakamura wrestled Ziggler in a post-show dark match. Apparently a beach ball got loose in the crowd again, so heel Ziggler put on a rest hold and refused to let it go until the beach ball was gone, which

Making a canon choice would piss a ton of people off, haha. Especially if it was the renegade one, which I bet no more than 15% of players opt for (at least on first playthrough).

There's actually a fair chance that the "ancient beings" in Andromeda will wind up being good guys, if they come back at all (the Jardaan). The Kett aren't an "ancient threat", and they comprise the main threat in this game - the ancient part is the vaults, and they are only used to help terraform planets, as

Depends who goes to Smackdown in the "shake up". Owens v Nakamura could be incredible. Or Jericho. Or even Miz.

Happy to see O'Reilly or Fox News have to sweat fleeing advertisers, but these companies all earn precisely zero points. The Andrea Mackris thing was settled, what, 10 years ago?

Yep, the Rollins match was too long, as was the show overall. And a bunch of matches somehow still managed to clearly get cut down for time.

That possible. I actually defended Roman at #30 when it happened, because I was so damn sure that it meant they were finally going to turn him heel at Wrestlemania - because surely they knew him at #30 would get booed out of the building, as well as him eliminating Taker.

I think Reigns is a pretty good wrestler with a good look, but his character is whatever Vince and the writers tell him it is. It's not that commentary is lagging behind who he really is - commentary is trying to tell the story of what Vince WANTS his character to be, and that plainly does not match the actual

I thought last night's segment was fantastic in isolation - it only becomes fantastic long-term, if they actually use that reaction. But the commentators are the conduit for the story Vince wants to tell, and they were furiously trying to pretend that it wasn't really happening.

Reigns has to carry himself the way he does, because in the face of a blistering wall of hatred, what else can he do?

There have been calls to just turn AJ face, because he's not getting over as a heel. He's basically the opposite of Roman - a guy who gets cheers, no matter what his character does. It also makes sense, because AJ has a natural face-style, high flying offense, that excites the crowd.

The fact that Vince sells out the shows around Wrestlemania, is not impressive in the slightest - they've got tens of thousands of people in Orlando already.

Certainly true, but it sounds like Matt is fighting this on his own anyway.

Jai Courtney

Yeah, I can't even begin to parse what copyright paperwork is worth for a wrestling gimmick, in a court of law.