
Owens could go, if they swap the US and Intercontinental titles across brands.

It's been rumoured for over a month that AJ was going to Raw post-Mania, as Vince has apparently taken a big liking to him. I hope it's not true, but I suspect he's gone to Raw.

The Broken Hardys never moved the needle one bit on TNA's ratings, despite becoming an internet smark sensation. However, I still think the gimmick could get over huge with WWE's audience.

Remains to be seen. I suspect industry (if not necessarily legal) precedent probably isn't on Matt's side, but I hope he wins it - he created it, turned it into what it was, and Anthem clearly had little interest in it.

Jeff seems to just be Jeff again, but Matt is clearly trying to keep one foot in both ponds right now. He slips in and out of some "broken-ness" in his speech and mannerisms, presumably so it remains natural if he wins the right to keep using that gimmick.

Imagine if Roman turned genuine heel last night, and used that opening promo slot to tell the smark fans to eat shit because they never liked him anyway. The heat would have been nuclear in a GOOD way - not the "our fans are telling our top face to shut the fuck up" way.

I was happier when they did it to Vince's face, while he was out there. They should have drowned him out too - let him get red faced and flustered, as his customers let them know how they feel.

Vince is either completely out of touch with his audience, or he's delusional, or he thinks trolling his core audience is a sound business decision. Or a bit of all three.

Oh they even tried to spin that into some bullshit about the fans being mad at Reigns because he beat the Undertaker last night - not because they've got a crowd of the hardest of the hardcore WWE audience, and they made their disdain for the Romain Reigns character well known, as they have for YEARS now.

A few things:

Sounds like most of the material he did when I saw him live a couple of months ago. It's some seriously funny shit, and I can't recommend it enough.

Ugh, I had a nice reply written here, and then Disqus somehow ate it. The short of it: I agree with you, but I don't think that's the complaint being made in this article. The complaint in this article is far more ill-defined and dumb.

This always drives me nuts in video games, TV shows, and movies where the "apocalypse" happened within the lifetime of the characters - yet they've regressed to strange bands of savages, or tribal dumbshits who don't speak english correctly anymore.

I'm just irritated by the concept that a comic book has any need to be sensitive to the "tone" of the "political climate", whatever in the fuck that means, and whatever it has to do with Captain America coming out as an agent of Hydra.

Shane had some pretty good looking reversals in that match too. I expected a clusterfuck consisting of those terrible looking Shane punches, a couple of stupid-dangerous high spots, maybe a basic suplex or two, and that's it.

They kinda did that - Shane got the heat every time AJ got cocky, and then AJ would get serious and take it back. Shane put on some MMA holds, which makes sense since people know he isn't a "real wrestler", but he has some MMA training.

In front of about 4000% more people, too.

It's the kind of match that'd probably get over just fine based on the storyline 20 years ago, but with so many smarks these days, that isn't how it's analyzed - it's seen as Shane "taking a spot" from another guy, or "wasting AJ", and not two guys who hate each other and want to fight.

There's still a few protected ones - when is the last time someone kicked out of a Sister Abigail?

Styles Clash hasn't been protected in WWE in a while. Cena kicked out of one at the Rumble, and then recovered from a second one in the same match, in the time it took AJ to go to the ropes to try a Phenomenal Forearm.