
"Not to mention the decision to make Captain America a Nazi, a flagrantly tone-deaf read on the current political climate."

Ahh, I recognize the Assassin's Creed Unity game map anywhere. That game was Peak Ubiformula - towers to climb, FOUR different colour coded types of chest to open, and at least three different kinds of collectible detritus to pick up.

Pre-rendered cutscenes are actually one of the more labour intensive ways to lengthen a game.

At this point, Nintendo missing the boat on incredibly simple usability and infrastructure things, never surprises me. They launched a console without an online feature suite in 2017, for god's sake.

I'm actually interested in the Styles v Shane match, just because I want to see if AJ really can drag Shane to a decent match, when all Shane can do is jump off tall things and throw the worst fake punches in the world. I also want to see if they seriously have the delusional balls to put Shane over.

Joffrey was the last villain on TV so good that I wanted to jump through the screen to strangle him myself. You should watch some YouTube compilations of people reacting to his death - so many fist pumps and celebrations, haha.

He's a good friend of Trump's, so he can't be THAT nice. There's a serious defect somewhere behind that charming smile

As I said - the government should never be in the business of legislating what people are allowed to wear, regardless of any other concerns or mitigating factors. It's too dangerous of a precedent.

No disagreement there, but western liberals don't tend to have any issue giving the patriarchal bullshit of Christianity all the criticism it richly deserves (unless you're one of those people who thinks all religious beliefs deserve "respect", by virtue of the fact that people believe in them).

Really? She never stopped annoying me. Every conversation ended with me saying "Yeah yeah, I get it Peebee, you don't want to feel nailed down anywhere. Free spirit, and all that bullshit. Stop telling me."

You can't save mid-encounter, but you could save before every encounter, if you wanted. The game really isn't that difficult, so I wouldn't expect to die too much.

In my playthrough, at least one character offered some no-strings-attached fun, but I turned her down. I've been programmed to min-max the romance dialogue with one character in Bioware games, and didn't want to "break" the romantic progression.

In terms of Eos, they basically force you to leave by having large swaths of the planet be too "irradiated' for you to survive in, until you've gone a little further into the game. Then you can return.

In terms of my reaction to her, the only analogue I can come up with is Tina from Borderlands 2. Yes - THAT bad.

This is part of what makes my head explode, when I see western liberals, and even western feminists, celebrating garments like the hijab and niqab - garments that are explicitly part of a religiously-indoctrinated modesty culture, enforced specifically on women.

The bug related loads were annoying, but not crippling. I think in two cases an enemy clipped through the map and couldn't die, which was required to trigger the next part of a mission. In a third case a scripting trigger didn't fire, and a door never unlocked. In a fourth case, I got stuck in the inventory menu,

You can completely finish the game in a lot less than 45 hours, unless you're the most obsessive completionist in the world.

You're not alone, aside from the fact that I think Liam is boring, and Peebee might be the worst companion in any Bioware game ever.

Never tried to. I played the previous trilogy on consoles, so I was used to not having any sort of F5/F9 style quicksave.

The problem with the Hinterlands was that people would 100% that zone before moving on, and it would leave them overleveled for most of the rest of the game, trivializing the difficulty. And because there was SO MUCH stuff to do in the Hinterlands (it had by far the most quests and shit to do), people got sick of it