
Another DCEU trailer that looks fine. Show me a movie that is better than mediocre, and I'll get excited for the trailers again.

Look at his chin just absorb all of the light on the set.

The video's creator is filtering out other layers from Daft Punk's songs (and in some cases, slowing them down), so you can more clearly hear the original samples. And inn some cases, I was still shocked because the sample in question is so chopped or warped.

I think Get Lucky is one of the weaker songs on Random Access Memories, and I loved that album. When Pharrell sings "raise our cups, to the stars", it always makes me cringe involuntarily, because he doesn't quite nail that high note.

Yep, that's the one thanks!

Eh, the best one is still the poorly drawn portrait Ben Carson has of himself with his main man Jesus, prominently displayed in his home.

I suspect the weird crab walk one is just a bug resulting from the algorithms for how characters interact with their environment. There's a word for these systems that I'm currently forgetting, but it dynamically shifts animations for running up or down inclines, etc. It's clear that the game got "stuck" in the

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Gunn comes back to direct at least one more Guardians film. When he first signed on for Marvel, he seemed fairly adamant that he was just going to make his two movies per his deal, and then move on.

The second kid rolling in is what always makes me laugh. That's when it turns from funny, to chaos.

Nothin' wrong with being cheap - but you don't want to LOOK cheap. First Class looked like a TV movie at some points.

I've heard about the infamous lumberjack finale, but never watched the show myself - so I'd just by blindly piling on by mentioning that show.

The thing that makes DCEU "defenders" funny, is that they call detractors "anti-DC", while ignoring how completely unfaithful the movies have been to the actual comic book characters in them.

"The Wolverine" wasn't awful. It was pretty good, then fell off a cliff during the third act, when he fights a dying man in a big dumbass robot suit.

I didn't mind First Class, but I also thought it was one of the cheapest looking blockbuster action movies I'd seen in a while.

Disappointed, but not shocked. From the early teasers of this show, it seemed like it was seriously lacking a distinctive identity, and that feeling continued through the real trailers too.

Early screenings are just a publicity tool at this point.

It is it's own movie, but it's still part of a shared universe, ultimately being overseen by the same executives and create braintrust behind all of the other DCEU movies. And it's worth noting that said executives have had no problem interfering with these movies in the past (which is ironic, after all the shade DC

BvS and Suicide Squad had similar negative word of mouth, though, and they wound up being 100% correct. And these rumours have been reported by people with actual sources in the industry - not just random trash talk congealing into a rumour on reddit, or something.

If I were Feige, that would have led to a company-wide memo the same afternoon, declaring Entertainment Weekly personae non gratae.

No… they didn't do that…