
He probably loses possession of the hammer somehow (or is somehow kept from it). I doubt he starts the film without it, and probably gets it back by the end.

The usual "schedule" would probably indicate that the first trailer for this movie comes out a little after Guardians 2 comes out, as they'll want to focus on marketing that movie until it's released.

Feige should kick whoever used that font in the shins. It looks like a Tiger Beat cover story.

Women, amirite fellas?

Let's not lose sight of the real story - look at the size of that windshield. It's about the size of a porthole.

"So instead, we put it at the beginning of the movie! Take that, Hollywood!"

Slander and libel are crimes with fairly well established boundaries (and the US tends to give wayyyy more latitude in favour of free speech, than places like the UK). Libel and slander also require the aggrieved party to demonstrate in a court that they suffered damages as a result, and require the accused to make

Believing people have the right to voice a proposition openly, without fear of violent retribution, isn't the same as thinking their proposition is harmless - I wish more people would recognize this distinction.

Things went about as I expected they would, with the exception of Charlotte's PPV streak ending on a random nothing PPV in the lead up to Mania (months of booking, for that?), and Strowman putting on a great actual match (good for him). I think Strowman came away looking plenty good still, despite putting SuperRoman

If Twitter had remotely consistent principles for banning accounts, he would have been already.

"Political correctness" is a real, and pernicious thing - it's just a far more narrowly-defined thing, than how it is usually invoked. It's also something that infects discourse on the right and left, about a variety of topics.

I think it had more to do with there being no post-credits scene to put in there. What would they put in? There's no X-Men film even shooting right now, and no Fantastic Four film in production.

Ego's article the next day, where he writes about what it means to be a critic - how the average piece of junk has more value than criticism designating it so, that savaging something is fun and easy, and that a critic truly sticks their neck out in defense of the new - god I love that monologue, and Peter O'Toole's

Flat Earthers are one of those subgroups of morons who I find more hilarious than pernicious - but I think that might be because they number around an estimated 50,000 people worldwide, and so their silliness isn't really much of a threat to anything.

First thing I'd ask him, is if he thought the town halls packed with angry Republicans prior to the passing of the Affordable Care Act, were an equally large waste of time.

In the case of a User entering the Grid, it made sense, because their human form was just being stored in the pattern buffer of the laser machine (much like a Star Trek transporter), and then they were "re-made" on an atomic level upon leaving (which is insane tech that would require an ungodly amount of energy and

It depends on what aspect of it you like - if you like the actual athletic portion, then New Japan is currently putting on the most consistently good matches.

The five knuckle shuffle is the worst move in the business right now. It looks stupid, and Cena never executes it in a way that looks remotely painful.

The line blurred a bit, because he usually used the Rock Bottom to transition into the People's Elbow.

It was a testament to how charismatic Rock was, that he could even make that finisher work. People didn't give a shit that it was just an elbow drop (and a bad one at that) - in that moment, it might as well have been a WMD going off, haha.