
Bret Hart's Sharpshooter too.

I like the first one, the second one was alright, and then I think after that they a) got too convoluted story-wise, and b) Jack Sparrow became grating as a character.

I want a Captain Planet where Cap blows holes in the sternum of coal mine executives.

It was certainly true to the character. Whether you like that character or not, continues to be a matter of taste.

Yeah, I came here to say the same thing. Studios are primed to take the wrong lesson from this, which is not that every comic book movie now needs to have gratuitous gore, sex, or swearing in it.

I came to say the exact same thing. To define Alexander Siddig by that under-exposed role on GoT, instead of Dr. Bashir, is criminal.

Yep, I was looking forward to another one too. The score and look of Tron: Legacy was awesome.

I actually liked Tron: Legacy, but this was the one plot point that drove me nuts - the idea that Quorra (or a massive army) could "leave" the Grid, in human form.

I'm not even American, and this comment is a bunch of self-congratulatory bullshit. Especially in a comment thread about how Europeans tend to be more accepting and supportive of a convicted child rapist.

The part I found interesting, was the media fawning over his statement about the widow of the Navy SEAL killed in that recent mission, as the moment when he "finally became President".

He's a "business prick", with some elements of Donald Trump in his personality (probably why they get on so well).

Anson Mount, and his best friend Philips Screwdriver.

I think they punch up old songs like that, so that it matches the fidelity of the rest of the sound in the trailer, and builds to a crescendo. To whatever extent it's in the actual movie, I'll bet it's mostly untouched.

There have always been exceptions to the rule. Jake Tapper is doing some great stuff right now at CNN, Chris Hayes' show at MSNBC is usually fantastic - and even people like Shep Smith and Chris Wallace have their moments at Fox News.

Yeah, "dull" is just about the best outcome possible at this point. There's no stopping the abhorrent policy outcomes, but some global stability would be nice.

I'll be offering free hair washings to my neighborhood.

You're totally right - McClatchy's did some great pre-war reporting. And they demonstrated that not only is "access" not required to do vital reporting - it's often an IMPEDIMENT to it.

But BC! If you're nice to them, they might give you exclusive interviews - or even better, juicy "scoops" on the condition of anonymity, to make you a useful idiot in shaping the public narrative for them!

I didn't say I was offended - I just said it was disgraceful. It takes a lot to genuinely offend me these days, but I've got more than enough righteous indignation to spread around. :)

You're absolutely right - we need them to do their jobs. Not throw themselves fancy balls where they break bread and yuk it up with the people who lie to their faces for a living.