
I'd welcome a "Satirists Dinner" one day a year, where a bunch of the best political comedians get together and essentially tear the politicians and media a very public new one. You could probably get that shit aired on a major network, too.

It's a disgrace that this event ever took place at all. Maybe it'd be less galling in a parallel world where the press truly was adversarial 364 days a year, and truly spoke truth to power - but they don't.

He knows a guy named Joe who said it never happened.

I did my own radio years ago in my first car - a Pontiac Sunfire.

Sad, but not surprising. Any circumstantial or material differences in the other allegations, plus the sheer amount of time that has taken place (making evidence difficult to substantiate in the first place), would make it relatively easy to get the testimony of these women barred. It's a minor positive that one

It's been odd watching people speculate whether this is "really" the end for Jackman's Wolverine, considering he's been remarkably consistent about it for at least two years.

Keith David's best role was still appearing in Saints Row 4 as Vice President Keith David.

I think he's talking about Milo.

Look at the number of comments on the Milo/Maher posts. These are making bank for them.

Yep - it was the worst possible outcome. Bill saw a bit of himself in Milo, as a guy who has had his speech protested in the past, and it completely sidelined any real opposition.

The Hitchens comparison was pure barf. I'd love to know what other friends of Hitchens while he was alive, thought of that. Wouldn't be shocked if Maher got some incredulous feedback.

I'd probably be less colourful than that, but yeah, taking credit for this is ridiculous.

You're not helping, George.

Personally, I'd like to see a Generation Ship that can build contained habitats, then drop them down on worlds like these. Gravity would need to be within certain norms, of course.

All I want in my lifetime, is a ship dock in obit around Earth - potentially connected by a space elevator, if they can sort out the problem with the cables, and how to anchor it.

Yep. When you think the problem with the industry is people like Zoe Quinn, maker of such AAA behemoths as "Depression Quest", then I don't think your movement is what you like to think it is.

It is true that the show throws the occasional bone to actual nerd humour - I recall one episode where Sheldon dressed as the Doppler Effect for Hallowe'en, which was funny until they kind of drove the joke into the ground. And there was an episode around the actual prop from the movie The Time Machine.

"GamerGate" was one of those things where, as they described themselves, they had a small kernel of a point (games journalism is indeed often a highly-corrupt joke).

If you like Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online will sort-of scratch that itch. It's not exactly the same, but close enough to entertain for a while.

Yes. That kind of thing is common in modern Adam Sandler movies.