
I think every nerd has heard this at least once.

I've played and enjoyed CAH, with the right group of people. The problem these games always have, is that they cease to be as amusing or fun once you've seen all of the "good" cards played once.

Yeah, I was pretty baffled in the days after that appearance, when the clip rocketed around the internet as though Affleck had "owned" Harris. Even if you disagree with Harris or Maher, I'd say that was a pretty cringe-worthy interaction.

So, I guess it's true, and they really are going for the Miz & Maryse vs. Cena & Nikki mixed-tag program at Wrestlemania. This has to be a low-light of Cena's career, haha.

As someone who lapsed on this show following the end of last season (I think Barry regressing horribly as a character and going back to save his mom, just sort of broke my interest in the show - the entire Zoom storyline was kind of disappointing), is this show worth coming back to?

I'll be interested to see how the show handles Infinity War (if it's still around), since it's clear that the show acknowledges the moviesz, but not really vice versa. A planetary, reality-warping invasion will be hard to ignore.

Maybe because Marvel likes it, and as Marvel goes, so goes ABC (since they are all the same parent company)?

I mean in terms of a good thing getting cancelled, not in terms of a good thing getting cancelled before it ever really got a shot (or in Firefly's case, borderline active sabotage).

The bean-counters in charge of this show need to pony up the money to get a major MCU character on the show for a small arc - RDJ, Cap, Thor, Black Panther - whoever. Not because the show needs those kinds of characters (it clearly doesn't), but to get eyes on this show again.

Gendry is back? And north of The Wall? Now that's curious.

The thing I find funny, is that he talks about how games usually handle gender politics with the subtlety of a lead weight, but then lauds the game for essentially reversing what they perceive to be the "usual" prejudice in video games - which is also about as subtle as a sledgehammer (and probably not even an

The trick is to move past obsessive completionism. I rarely 100% open-world games these days, because at some point you just become a fantasy garbage collector, clearing icons from the map.

"The other reason Horizon: Zero Dawn still holds some allure to me after so many blandly satisfactory hours is that it is unquestionably the most woke game released by a major studio in years, a “core gamer” game in which women and mothers are revered as righteous warrior goddesses and in which almost every single

My hope is still that they will make Angle the manager for American Alpha.

Trump and Milo are my two current exceptions, I must admit. It's hard not to enjoy the downfall of terrible, egotistical people who think they are God's gift to the planet.

In Milo's case it's just shocking, because he's basically made a career the past year or so, out of unapologetically saying stupid shit.

Never thought I'd live to see the day that Milo was furiously trying to backpedal and do damage control on something.

He'd make a good Riddler in terms of look, except he probably isn't nearly smart enough.

Maher has had contentious interviews with people in the past, as well as contentious moments with panel guests on his show, and I was hopeful that he would do the same with Milo. He has accused Republicans of peddling bullshit right to their face, and in exactly those kinds of terms.

I think he's trying to say that Larry "slanders" Trump, but is against Milo's brand of "slander", which makes him a hypocrite?