
That was a completely ridiculous comparison, and made me shake my head as I watched it. Hitchens himself would be horrified by the comparison.

There's no "Muslim ideology" - there is a religion that some people adhere to, and it's as ripe for criticism of what it's texts say (and it's adherents believe), as any other faith.

How do you suppose I prove everything someone has ever said on a topic DOESN'T stray into Nazi sympathizer territory? Do you really think the onus is on me here?

No it hasn't. That's absolutely ridiculous.

What'd you dislike about the ninja scene?

It got a B-. The C+ is community grade, but is currently only based on four votes.

I'm not sure where else to post this to get eyes on it, so I guess I'll just start the conversation here:

I can only imagine. The entire movie was basically a love letter to a much romanticized era of Japanese history..

It's all good, Norbit!

My favourite description of it is still the "circular firing squad".

Yeah, and then they keep changing the rules during their final battle - like telling a martial artist he isn't allowed to kick, on the fly. Basically because evil boxer man doesn't like it, haha.

There's a pretty obvious solution here, and that's to give each city two Olympics in a row (summer/summer or winter/winter, not summer/winter obviously). Double the influx of tourism cash would make building Olympic facilities much more palatable.

I think Vancouver in 2010 made out pretty well.

I replied to Ultra Glow's comment, not Dr. Bong…

My favourite is still the British police captain. I always just wait for him to say "Cheerio!" or something, because he's THAT broad and silly of a stereotype.

Liberal rushes to judgment typically have good intentions at heart, but they are rushes to judgment all the same.

I quite liked The Last Samurai. It had a sincere reverence for the society it was exploring (to the degree that it got criticism from historians for over-glorifying samurai culture). I also liked that Algren convinces Katsumoto to fight back, but ultimately respects Katsumoto's desire to die by the customs of his

I love the Ip Man film series, but they are hilariously pro-Chinese. Brits and Americans are always "foreign devils" (Ip Man 2 had a couple of British dudes who were hilarious English stereotypes), and the Japanese in Ip Man 1 are just bloodthirsty brutes.

That's convenient, because flashy action and Adam Sandler films are all Hollywood shits out these days anyway.