
The fact that any liberal could seriously describe someone as generally agreeable on 99.7% of political issues as Matt Damon, a "pathetic jackass", probably speaks to some of the problem among American liberalism these days.

Wearing monocles, like all good villains.

Wait, the Mongolians came from a rock that crashed from outer space?

Maybe it's the circles I travel in, but I haven't heard a peep about the Oceans remake, or the Roadhouse reboot.

I have no sympathy for Melania. As a by-product of that, I also won't patronize or infantilize the woman by acting as though she needs me, or anyone else, to "rescue" her from decisions she freely made with her own judgment.

Felt the same way about that stupid "Boyhood" movie. Easily the most overrated film of the 21st century.

This movie absolutely does not need an American remake. It's not like Raid 1 & 2 were impenetrable for English speakers.

Best stunner sell of all time, right there.

I have to imagine Vince sold some stunners better than THAT. I mean, they were always a bit dodgy, but the man has probably taken 100 of them.

As long as it doesn't turn into a love-in about the minority of things they might agree on, this could be some great television.

I like Shane-O-Mac, but I'm going to be annoyed if the rumours are true, and he ends up being AJ's opponent at Wrestlemania.

Retailer stops selling clothing line with bad sales. AV Club giving me all the news fit to print.

Like most journalism hacks, he's one of the bobbleheads for whom their priority narrative, and first question, is always "How will this impact the horse race?" - not "Is any of this true?", "Is this person lying to me?, or "Does this make any sense?"

Anderson's edge has dulled from his years at CNN, hosting party surrogates so they can take turns dissembling every night of the week.

Mostly respected Tapper since his days at ABC News, as one of the few WH press pool reporters with an actual spine. He's not perfect (I particularly don't like his constant worship at the altar of the military), but he's about 5X better than the next best person at CNN (who I couldn't even name off the top of my head

Haha, well I appreciate the effort nonetheless. :D

I thought that little scene accomplished a lot, in terms of making you realize where Thor's head is at, at the beginning of that movie, and how his experiences on Earth changed him.

The stance-changing during fights is the one part of the fighting system that kinda scares me off a little. I'm not sure I could manage that amount of controller wrangling during fights that are already designed to be hard as balls, and any hit taken can be a game changer.

One consistent thing I've read about this game, is that the story is totally a dumb nothingburger, and just to ignore it.

I skipped the Wii U, so I haven't had the chance to play the last couple of them. Extremely unenthusiastic about the Switch, but may have to buy one just for the new Zelda, as it looks awesome.