
I hate the Dynasty Warriors games, and always have.

I understand that, and it 100% nails that aesthetic. I'm not begrudging that. What I don't get, is why follow ups to Dark Souls - Bloodborne, Nioh - all seem to want the same dreary aesthetic of death and decay.

It was funny how, immediately after it came out that Feige no longer reported to Perlmutter, suddenly all of the MCU actors sounded much more happy to re-up their contracts in subsequent interviews.

The CW soap opera bullshit where everyone is always lying or keeping secrets from everyone else, was a big part of why I became a lapsed viewer too. Same with Arrow. Still haven't seen an episode of Supergirl.

Serious Dark Batman is and can be great. The problem is when writers and directors make everything and everyone AROUND Batman just as grimdark as he is, as though the character lives in the Warhammer 40k universe or something.

There was a nice deleted scene from Thor 2, where he's drinking ale with a bunch of other warriors in Asgard, and they all throw their flagons to the ground to demand another, while Thor just sets his down on the table.

Am I the only one who just wants one of these games to take place in a world that isn't dark, dreary, and full of demons or undead?

That's the problem with a contrived "streak", where it's immediately clear that the company is very quickly and carefully creating one, instead of having it (to some extent) be somewhat of a happy accident of booking that they realized they had one year, like with Undertaker. It just makes Charlotte's PPV booking

My favourite moment of theirs was still the pre-Survivor Series promo with the Smackdown guys, where Owens said he was a better friend to Jericho than AJ was, and Jericho said "YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND EVER KEVIN" with absolutely zero sincerity, then gave him one of those gigantic, over-acted hugs they did a few times.

Best hour of Raw in years, that third hour. Of course, Bayley is almost certain to lose the title at Fast Lane, keeping Charlotte's streak going, so I guess we are looking at another round of hot potato. But for tonight - it was good stuff.

I've seen some PewDiePie videos before. My suspicion is that he's just immature and thinks he's being edgy and hilarious by joking about Hitler and Jews. I've known people like that, who think being offensive is itself the punchline of a joke - think Family Guy at it's worst.

"Holiday says the trick isn’t to try to take away Yiannopoulos’ platform by protesting his campus talks or whatever, because that will just give his supporters something to rally against. Instead, he suggests actually listening to people like Yiannopoulos and giving them a chance to speak, because then the public will

I don't find any idea dangerous to hear, so long as there's laws and rights in place to protect people, and other people can speak up against them. I don't think anyone should be anyone else's master in such a way as to decide what ideas are too dangerous for them to hear.

I'm heading out to a movie, but I'll gladly let someone else field this one.

It's almost like these guys don't have the best judgment or something!

Exterminating people isn't free speech, or Constitutional in general (as per the same document that protects your free speech).

Free speech takes many forms aside from convention halls, with podiums.

I don't think even the most ardent apologists for Trump voters ever suggested that the "white nationalist" portion of his base, and the " economically depressed, blue collar, white middle-America" portion were the exact same people (though there's undoubtedly some unknown measure of overlap).

Yeah alright, I'll give you Trump, haha.

It's also a handy reminder that you don't change a country by giving up or writing off the people in it.