
Goldberg will win at Fastlane, which will set up KO v Jericho, and Lesnar v. Goldberg at Mania, for the belt. Lesnar probably wins that one, and Goldberg goes back into retirement. Lesnar then feuds with whoever after that. Meltzer also believes the plan may be to turn Reigns heel finally, which is why he went out

I don't get any sense of strong identity or tone from this trailer. That's not necessarily a criticism, because it's the actual story and characters that will matter, but it's notable because the other three most definitely had both from the very first trailer.

Diamondback was a great character - the problem is that he was a blaxploitation villain just sort of parachuted in to a show that, up to that point, was going for a more realistic, modern tone.

Really? I certainly got that feel from her by the end of the series. Once she embraces her inner-monster, she starts thinking steps ahead of everyone.

Yeah, they need to either reduce the number of episodes in a season, or opt for a couple of "mini-arcs" instead of one story. All of the Netflix shows hit a point around the third quarter of the run, where they feel like they are in a holding pattern.

I'm surprised they managed to keep him away from Twitter, if it made him that mad.

You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Samoa Joe and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another wrestler, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then

If they filed on actual sets, Lucas might not be able to sit down with his coffee.

They've now done a moon-sized Death Star, and a planet-sized Death Star - what's next? A star-sized Death Star?

Yeah, but Batman, uh, brands people! Which "people say" is a death sentence!

Exactly! Stuff like that was ripe for imagery of rain and cloud in Gotham, versus beams of light breaking through the clouds in Metropolis - especially if you insist on putting them right next to each other.

It'll be interesting to see how Trump responds, because nothing will lose him old white people faster than going after Bill-O.

I think DC/Warner just fundamentally hired the wrong person to bring Superman back to film. When you read or watch interviews with Snyder about the character, it becomes immediately apparent that he a) doesn't understand the core of the character at all, aside from as a cheap Jesus metaphor, and b) he doesn't

So why even bring it up!

It's just a shame that they played it so safe with the story, because they clearly put a lot of time and love into the actual filming and effects work of the movie. It's not like the Lucas prequels, where there were all kinds of new (and bad) ideas, but the filming itself was some of the laziest shit ever.

The fact that they came up with ANOTHER Death Star (complete with trench run!) was the one big moment of re-hashery that made me laugh out loud in the theatre.


True, but at least he shows pain and regret in that moment. I'd accept that from a Superman film, if he had to kill someone for some reason - let it really, badly affect him.

That reminds me - I disliked that they were "The Resistance" again, and that fact is never really explained in the movie. Wouldn't they just be the Army? Why can't the galactic government "openly" support a force fighting the remnants of the Empire?

Curious to know what you hated about Ep7?