
But that montage that plays after Supes says "Save Martha" (which I assume is supposed to be stuff flashing across Bruce's mind in that moment), is all just him remembering his parents being murdered again, and his mom being named Martha. There was nothing about him forgetting his mission, or what have you.

That's exactly what Marvel did with Captain America.

Cavill occasionally smiles - the problem is that his character is fundamentally dour. Two films of him wondering if he should even bother with the whole Superman thing, and then he dies.

He has a conversation with Cap in Civil War, where he explains exactly what happened, and why. It's exposition, with a small amount of character development.

I'd have no issue with Supes killing Zod in MoS, if it hadn't been preceded by 20 minutes of them killing thousands of people, and if the movie made it clear that he had no other choice - but they don't. He doesn't have the strength to stop Zod from shooting his heat ray eyes at that family, but he DOES have the

It absolutely was what they were going for, but the funny part is that "seeing Superman as human" wouldn't actually do anything to address Bruce's stated motivations through the film.

The way that group shot at the end is framed so perfectly, I'm thinking that might have been shot just for the trailer.

It wasn't a criticism - MANIMAL wants them to work their way up to Batman/Superman levels of death and destruction this time.

It was confirmed that this song was in the movie itself six months ago.

We're whalers on the moon, We carry a harpoon. But there ain't no whales. So we tell tall tales. And sing our whaling tune

The colour and sets in this movie looks amazing.

I'm going to ignore your ongoing fabricated internal narrative for what Richard Spencer "learned" by getting punched in the face, and move on:

"He doesn’t try to stick his two cents’ worth in every movie, putting his own spin on things (they like to call it “artistic license” in the biz) just because he can."

That's actually an interesting way of looking at Milo. He's like the anti-John Waters.

The initial falsehood will always get exponentially more traction than the quiet retraction a few weeks later. Good on the AHA for coming out and making it, though.

You don't think I know what three ideologies we haven't even discussed are? And now I'm a mentally ill narcissist too?

"The Left" hone their political views from all sorts of sources, like anyone else.

Wait, now I'm a special snowflake too? Would it be a shorter list if we just name the people who AREN'T snowflakes?

Yes yes, those are all fascinating insults, designed primarily to allow you to sidestep what I actually wrote.

I'm one of the people who would absolutely defend Milo's right to peddle his awful views in public, or on college campuses (if invited).