
What kind of braindead sophistry is this? You wouldn't know who Bill Maher was, if a single supporting actor role in the 80s was his only "major accomplishment".

Milo is one of those people for whom I can't figure out where their earnestly held positions end, and their attempts to simply provoke a reaction begin. Of course, "acting" like a terrible human being to provoke a reaction, at some point is indistinguishable from just being a terrible human being anyway.

"…but all I get is name-calling in return."

I actually think Maher would probably be a great counter-puncher for Milo's brand of shitty. Maher is well known for his belief in (and defense of) free expression, so Milo won't be able to claim persecution on that front.

"Nobody bought Spencer as a victim, at all. Not only that, that punch hurt him in a way that no amount of zen-like philosophizing and buddhist monk pacifism could ever do - and I'm not talking about the impact of being socked in the jaw. He became the exact very thing he and his ilk use to weaponise their venom: a

Of course I know what ultimately happened - the point of bringing it up, was to point out WHY the ACLU thought the case needed to be fought in the first place.

I'm just going to repost my comment from that other article gleefully reporting on punching Richard Spencer in the face, and once again remark at how revolting and ignorant some of the rhetoric is in here - especially the people equating an understanding and respect for freedom of expression with "appeasing Nazis".

So in other words, Anita makes videos with ideas in them that you like (or at least, are ambivalent about), whereas these guys give speeches presenting ideas that you find repugnant - so violence is a-okay.

This is ridiculous. They are typical faceless cannon fodder for the actual, fleshed out protagonists to fight, in order to have action set pieces. Variations of the "faceless goons" trope exist in hundreds of action movies. They have to remain faceless and generically antagonizing, so that viewers aren't made to

I try to have some level of empathy, because emotions are understandably tense right now, but the shameless strawmanning of the handful of people trying to stand up for classical liberal values, has actually been kind of shocking.

Christ almighty, I kept scrolling and scrolling, my head sinking further and further into my hands, before I finally found a comment coherently defending actual liberal values. Thank you.

Not every Marvel MCU film is great (see: Thor 2), but you're right that the big difference is that Marvel Studios clearly have a long-term plan in place. Feige has openly spoken about how he has things charted out on a wall in his office.

Affleck directing this movie was a big reason for the buzz surrounding it, so this is not a positive development, even if it is just a question of workload and split responsibilities for Affleck.

Wonder Woman looks like it could be good, but I also said that about Suicide Squad and Man of Steel, based on the trailers. DC don't get the benefit of the doubt from me any more, until they put out at least one good DCEU movie.

Marvel really haven't done that bad of a job with their talent - Edgar Wright was the one "big one", and we still don't really understand what happened there, beyond him wanting to make a discrete Edgar Wright film, and Marvel wanting him to make another movie that hooks into the MCU.

You know, I watched the Rumble again today, and now that I'm over the furor of Roman at #30, and the lack of a Samoa Joe, etc. - this was actually a pretty good Royal Rumble.

I love how the post basically ends with them admitting that the entire piece is of dubious credibility. They should have just added - "But we got another post out of it! Cha-ching!"

Putting Roman in at #30 was just about the dumbest booking decision ever. It's like they WANT him to get booed.

No comments yet, bagging on AV Club for covering a wrestling PPV - and an NXT one, at that? Colour me shocked.

WWE need to decide what NXT is supposed to be. Is it a developmental territory, or is it supposed to be a parallel brand with it's own stories and stars?