
No, the problem is that he got caught with marijuana in his system twice in UFC. Meltzer talked about this in the most recent WOR - Triple H said that WWE didn't like that when you Googled Matt Riddle, the first thing that came up was his failed drug tests.

Same here - I ditched wrestling a little after the end of the Monday Night Wars (so maybe 2002?), and revisited it in late 2015. I'm not as passionate as I was then (I was a teen, after all, and kayfabe wasn't completely obliterated like it is now), yet I like wrestling again, but for completely different reasons

Roode was fine in the ring, but since coming to NXT he hasn't hit the level of his matches in TNA. Perhaps some of that is age - I don't know. I will say this was his best match since coming over.

95% sure that Hero is spending time in NXT first. He made his debut back in NXT a few weeks ago as Kassius Ohno. And if Joe and/or Nakamura are getting callups sooner than later, NXT will need him.

This would be some biting sarcasm, if I actually thought CAIR was a terrorist organization, which I don't.

I know - like I said, one of a thousand potential factors.

I don't think it's a decisive factor or anything - but it's one of a thousand cuts that can kill a campaign.

True - another thing that Democrats didn't acknowledge nearly enough, was that Clinton had absolutely awful favorability ratings with the public, even before the election started. She wasn't as low as Trump, of course.

Clinton's private email server WAS a minor scandal - she played dumb, but it was clearly implemented to skirt FOIA laws (and is totally something other cabinet-level civil servants have done in the past, despite the GOP crocodile tears over it).

The princess and the pea?

Most. But I'll take giving material support to the organizations fighting in the trenches, over nothing. Or god forbid, another fucking hashtag.

One big difference: Obama has far more natural charm and charisma, than Clinton. It's the same reason he survived the Jeremiah Wright thing - he defused it with a masterful speech that the media glowed about for days.

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that either a) Trump will be impeached, or b) at some point, one or more Federal agencies will rebel against one or more of his Executive Orders, which will lead to it's own unprecedented crisis.

First comment - "ACLU should be declared a terrorist organization…"

I donated to the ACLU earlier and took up Sacca on his offer. I'd be more reluctant to donate to CAIR, as they have some… historical overseas connections… for which they've never offered anything close to a satisfactory response.

Much like Obama's "clinging to their guns and religion" comment in '08, it was completely true, but also strategically a stupid thing to say, because it lent itself to an easy narrative about her writing off a large swath of the country.

I think Trump is a proto-fascist piece of human garbage, but let's not minimize what she actually said about "superpredators", nor the fact that it was an outlook that guided some truly terrible "tough on crime" policy during the Clinton Administration, that African Americans are still (primarily) paying for to this

Except they've repeatedly done political news coverage in the past - particularly when it comes to Trump.

I care far more about the families being broken up right this moment by this Executive Order, and the people with green cards who literally cannot return to their lives, than I do about whether someone can attend to accept their Oscar in person.

I'd like it because it's not like most shows, where they mine endless "will they/won't they" drama, before inevitably jamming them together. If Coulson and May end up together, it'll be because we've SEEN them grow close over the past few years, act as each other's keeper in bad times, and confide in one another.