
I still maintain that the "original sin" that led to Trump's victory, was simply not having a real primary fight for the Democratic nomination.

If this doesn't work, I say we start a hashtag. And if that doesn't work, we go with the nuclear option, and create a tumblr page full of embarrassing Photoshopped images of him.

I'm not afraid to admit that I have zero interest in La La Land. While I certainly respect musicals, I've never enjoyed watching them myself (rare exceptions like Book of Mormon). And I have negative interest in a movie about the dreamy glamour of Hollywood, and kerazy dreamers trying to "make it" in LA.

When all you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.

I'd be fine with them ending up together, because they've done a tremendous job of adding depth to their relationship over the years - it wouldn't just be the usual case of "well, of COURSE the lead characters end up together at some point". You can actually see it as a logical progression.

I kinda hope they call Roode up sooner than later, because they've truly got a phenomenon on their hands with the combination of his Ric Flair-ish gimmick, and that entrance/music. If that piano note hit at Wrestlemania, the crowd would lose their minds, and sing along.

Listen, if Slayer want to call angry Democratic voters "snowflakes" then sure, fine, whatever. I don't particularly give a shit what the members of Slayer think about stuff.

I mean, I'm obviously not privy to Omega's contract details - I'm just going on what Dave Meltzer reported, which was that he was up January 31st.

- Did no one pick up on D-Bry's joke about Miz changing in the public restroom? That was a callback to the time Miz went to "wrestler's court", and he was expelled from the locker room for months - leading in some cases, to him having to change into his ring attire in the public washroom.

I think Cena's promo was great, but now I hope he doesn't win the belt back, because this promo combined with a win would kind-of make AJ look like a chump. Then again, if Cena loses to him for a FOURTH straight time, then Cena kinda looks like a chump too.

Omega's current NJPW contract runs through the end of January, so he won't be at the Rumble.

- There's already been confirmation that a few of the UK tourney guys are travelling to the US for Royal Rumble weekend, so I'd say we are guaranteed at least one or two guys from it.

I think giving Reigns the belt would be terrible, unless it's accompanied with a heel turn. Cena getting the belt? Eh, I'd be alright with it, as long as he's back full time for however long he has it.

He wouldn't be another Clinton - Booker has Obama-adjacent levels of natural charisma and charm, and the media would be falling over themselves to lavish praise for the individual acts of kindness and courage he displayed in New Jersey, because it makes for a fantastic narrative.

The thing that made this dodge hilarious, is that the vast majority of the drugs ARE AMERICAN MADE, and the US would simply be re-importing them into the country.

Mentioning "Bernie Bros" sure has become the hot new deflection for establishment Democrats. The Sanders-Klobuchar bill actually had a decent chance of passing (13 Republicans supported it), and while it was largely symbolic, it would have sent a message that there was strong support for the policy - and the fact

Yeah, I remember that one.

Booker has ample ties to the financial and pharmaceutical industries, and has supported policies designed to make them more money. Talk about "bleeding heart" - I have the same expectation of Cory Booker, that I have, and anyone SHOULD have, of ANY politician: that they have the interests of the people at heart.

Booker (or at least the image of him) has always irritated the shit out of me, because he has these glaring black marks on his political record, but the media (and Democrats) just coo about the time he helped someone shovel their driveway, or what-the-fuck-ever.

Great choice for director. Krampus was a hugely underrated movie.