
Edwards' Godzilla was great, except for the insistence on focusing on Kick-Ass, who was bland as white toast. The decision to limit Godzilla's actual screen time made it all the more impactful when he did show up.

In what sense did Ayer "go for it", as he claims? The cinematography is competent, but unremarkable. The music is a heavier handed version of what "Guardians" did two years earlier. The story (once you move past the origins of the characters themselves) is standard action fare, complete with sky beam and army of

Which is a decision that makes sense, if you're being asked to make another trilogy of epic movies, this time based on a relatively short children's book, but which will still appeal to fans of the LOTR movies.

Not even close. There's lots of terrible garbage that comes out every year, featuring actors a thousand times worse than Forest Whitaker.

Because nobody doesn't like Molten Boron!

Eh, I'd take that episode over last week's murderbot one, or the two part one on Geonosis, that literally only existed to tie-in to Rogue One.

Great episode, but what was the point of showing the rock monster guy again? Did I miss something, or did he never actually do anything?

That's definitely part of it, but ideological hypocrisy in the face of tribal political affiliation is not something unique to Republicans.

Ideological hypocrisy is absolutely no impediment to modern Republicans. They've been the leading cheerleaders of corporate welfare for decades, despite that being at complete odds to a "free market".

Worth noting that Ajit Pai was given his post by Obama.

"We the jury, find the defendants to be NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRDS."

This one could potentially work, because it's basically just a setting. It's Walking Dead, in New York City, with no zombies and more people.

Oh dear god all of those roasted chickens look delicious.

Rich trying to recap the events of Double Down, was hilarious.

No comic uses the same entire routine forever (or at least, I hope not), but plenty of them make sure to do their "greatest hits" when on tour.

The thing I love about Louis CK, is that he doesn't just do the same jokes forever - he'll do a tour, record a special, and then throw out his entire routine and come up with a new one.

"You miss 100% of shots you don't take"

I've got tickets to see him next Thursday!

Seems a little early to criticize it for not making sense. We currently have no idea as to what the motivation is.

Miz is pretty clearly gonna be in the Elimination Chamber match in 4 weeks - past that, it's hard to say.