
- Crowd was awful. I get if a crowd shows up hot, and then cools down because what they are watching sucks, but showing up cold? Come on, people. Don't go, if you find it that boring.

I often find articles like this a little grating, where we are all supposed to gather round and pat ourselves on the back for pointing and laughing at Schneider for being a moron, signalling our own glorious virtue.

The match lineup tonight… my god, how much more stale can they get?

Eh, when you put matches on as great as Sami does, it must be hard to get too angry. His jelly legs selling is great for putting over other wrestlers, so I'd think other guys would like working with him.

Benoit's finisher was the problem - that fucking top rope diving headbutt. How many concussions did that give him over the years, do you reckon? Hundreds?

Technically we don't know WHAT they could prove, because he was deemed not fit to stand trial.

I think this has less to do with racism, and more to do with an overcompensation on the part of some well-meaning liberals these days, who think your only stances on charges like these can be "he's innocent!" or "he's guilty!", because not taking an accusation as being as ironclad as a conviction, is being an…

Wow, what a victory for liberalism this was. Good lord.

I really like Sigourney Weaver, but I couldn't imagine Planet Earth NOT narrated by Attenborough.

The Suicide Squad actors clearly thought they were making magic, too.

Being excited for anything David Cage makes is a fool's errand.

This isn't much of a scoop. It was a virtual guarantee that they'd have some amount of CGI Leia, even if only to write her out of the series.

Happy "Fuck You, It's January!" everyone!

Frank Stallone?

Lando was a bad example. He'd probably just offer Kylo a refreshing Colt 45, and smooth things over.

If you're a reasonable fan of a series, then you aren't a "fanboy" - "fanboys" are the unblinking idiots who gobble up toys, give everything 11/10, and go OH MY GOD every time Vader turns on his lightsaber.

I wasn't 100% sure, simply because Finn has a designation instead of a name - which would seem to be in-line with being from some sort of lab, not an actual home.

I cheered when Darth Vader pulled out his red lightsaber.

You'll get no disagreement from me - the prequels are just the worst, on just about every level.

It seems more like he was daring the journalists in the room to even try to use that as a soundbite.