
His toxic masculinity is the real monster truck!

But don't we all have at least one or two international war criminals we call "friend"?

Internet 2017 is going to be 90% hot takes on websites like this, about how the Empire behaved the same as the Trump Administration.

Because she wanted someone who could get through to him on an emotional level, as their son.

It certainly isn't the fault of the actors - they read the lines they are given.

I'd have been more worried if they made it one film (or 3+), but it sounds like both parts are going to be pretty discrete films. I suppose it depends on how expansive it gets.

Puck would be an amazing, left-field casting, haha.

What about the Morlocks?

Never even thought of that one. That would be awesome, too. I hope Infinity War introduces MODOK, but doesn't dispatch him completely too. I'd love some Dinklage MODOK going into the phase after it.

Dinklage as MODOK? Oh god please Dinklage as MODOK.

You should go watch the stuff RLM have been doing for Rogue One. It's been hilarious.

It's been too long since I've seen Predator to comment with any confidence. But I think the fairest, most obvious comparison for Rogue One, would be to other Star Wars movies.

I assume it was because, in modern blockbuster parlance, a race that suppresses emotions (but secretly feels emotions far more acutely than humans), means the character belonging to that race has to have at least one savage emotional freakout BECAUSE DRAMA.

Rogue One had zero character development, even for Jyn. Dad tells her to run and hide. Forrest Whitaker finds her, and we are told raised her. That's it. We don't see any of this. She finds Whitaker, and he basically says "It's been a long time, now watch this holotape. Hey guys, I'm calling an audible here, and

I still think it's funny that a star in another galaxy went supernova, and somehow Romulus didn't have time to evacuate. Does JJ Abrams understand the distance between STARS?

- Padme doesn't die because she's "disposable" - she dies because Lucas is a terrible screenwriter and was scrambling in the last 15 minutes of Ep III, to get everyone in place for the original trilogy. Her death is also the final straw that turns Anakin into Vader.

Tara Reid was probably already locked up in her 48 picture deal for the Sharknado Cinematic Universe.

Wouldn't Portman have been decidedly FAR more famous in 2011, than Ashton effing Kutcher?

I mean, as far as over-the-top fast food items go, that actually doesn't seem so bad. It's a piece of oddly-shaped fried chicken, with some taco toppings stuffed inside it.

That's actually what they said it was for, which is ridiculous. Preemptively giving someone a prestigious award, in the hopes that maybe it'll compel them to act like they deserve it.