
They'll be appointed Imperial Grand Poobah of the very first New World Order.

It still pisses me off that Stephen Colbert brought Kissinger on, more than once, for jokey comedy segments. Kissinger should be in a cell pending his trial at The Hague, not being thanked for his endorsement by Presidential candidates, and otherwise treated like he belongs in civilized society

Still can't believe they awarded him with that, while he was actively presiding over military engagements in at least two countries. And then he gave an acceptance speech imploring that war was sometimes necessary, which even if true, has no place in a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE acceptance ceremony.

I think it'd be funny if Ambrose paid some amateur female MMA fighter $200 to be at ringside for him during their inevitable PPV match. Watching Maryse try to stealth interfere without getting her ass kicked would be a fun story during the match.

Let's not talk about Enzo & Cass. It'll just make me sad. :(

The end of that match definitely won Botch of the Night.

Also helps that Shane has a well-known reputation for being the best of the McMahons to work for.

I've always found "contract signings" hilarious on their face, because these guys are all already under contract to the WWE (and WWE has never pretended they aren't). Why do they need to sign a separate "contract" for PPV matches, unless the match itself has a specific stipulation (loser leaves town, title v. career,

"So what was the story reason why Styles/Ambrose 2 was a TLC match? There wasn't anything inherent in their story that required that stipulation, but they had been in a long feud with quality output and the required intensty heading in to a PPV. Why did the blow-off for Miz/Ziggler feud have to be a ladder match as it

I still think the Nikki/Nattie feud is incredibly stupid overall, but the actual segment last night was good - they skipped the endless gossipy babble about Cena leaving Nikki, and Nikki being "proud" of her trash TV shows, and went right to Nikki being pissed and having a go at Natalya. And the confrontation had

As I pointed out in a different article yesterday - Clinton got nearly as many votes as Obama in '08, when he had a historic youth turnout. What she DIDN'T do, was get about 200k more votes (cumulatively), in the right set of swing states. Even Obama, post-election, gently insinuated that Clinton should have spent

"His script is admittedly rough around the edges—the dialogue is perfunctory; the characters are more archetypal than fully fleshed out, although there’s an elemental power in that—but few studio releases in 2016 felt as immediate or ripped from the gut."

Disagree - I think the grade was mostly spot on for this week. Carmellsworth was the only segment that straight up didn't do anything for me (I didn't hate it, it was just a flatline).

Zayn gets jelly legs and falls into Sasha, who flies backward through three tables, haha.

I just assumed he was doing his best to put over Corbin's offense, knowing he was eventually going to win, but not wanting to make Corbin look bad in the process.

I couldn't figure out if it was because JBL was ripping on her for being ugly, or because he was ripping her for dressing like she jumped out of the 1950s.

In fairness to JBL, he's an equal opportunity bully - he and Otunga spent weeks ripping Ellsworth to shreds for how he looked, despite his sole distinguishing feature being that he has a slightly recessed chin.

All I know is if Goldberg, Lesnar or Undertaker win it, I'm going to be pissed. Give the rub to a full-timer in a storyline that can actually use it, not part-timers who all but have their matches booked for Wrerstlemania already.

Alasdair was talking about the storyline reasons for things happening, not whether they deserved a HIAC match. The storyline reason for the match was repeatedly sold primarily as a bragging point for it being the first time ever - much like their ironman match the next month.

I wouldn't even mind if Shane had a segment on Smackdown, because he and Bryan always show up to further actual storylines - not just put themselves over at the expense of their wrestlers.