
I actually quite liked this crowd. They were a little out-of-sync, but they were also enthusiastic. The "Let's Go Ziggler"/"Lu-cha Lu-cha" dueling chant was weird and great.

I wrote this in response to some complainers on YouTube who were whining that Cena winning "killed" Corbin's momentum. It still sums up my thoughts on that match, so I'll re-post it:

I'd have rather Meyers grilled her on Trump stances/scandals that were more substantiated than this alleged dossier of intelligence materials, that has been circulating for months.

If Emanuel and Palpatine ever had a conversation on the phone, Palpatine would be like the drug ring dudes from Tropic Thunder, when they were on the phone with Tom Cruise's character.

Translation: We tried to get A-list celebrities, and they all turned us down - either in disgust, or out of fear of destroying their careers by association - so we are going to do what a five year old would do, and save face by pretending we never wanted them anyway,

She got almost as many votes as '08 Obama. She just didn't get a couple hundred thousand of them in the "right" swing states.

As I said - I'd want him to go to Smackdown. RAW is cancerous right now.

I'm just baffled by her behaviour. Steph is Vince McMahon's daughter, for crying out loud - she's a child of the business. Surely she understands that the point of a heel, is to eventually put a face over?

Just checked - it's the lowest grade they've ever given an episode of Raw, since they began giving grades. They've given one episode of Smackdown below a B- (the one post-No Mercy - go check it to remember what happened, and you'll be baffled that this shit only got a C-).

Wasn't the point of trading the belt so often that Charlotte WASN'T a dominant force? That her and Sasha were neck and neck, week-to-week?

It's gotten to the point where any time her music hits on RAW, I literally saw something like "aw fuck" out loud.

It makes me sick to think of Kenny Omega possibly sitting somewhere mulling a WWE contract offer tonight, watching that RAW. I'd be on the next flight back to Japan.

I didn't even watch Raw tonight - I read the Wrestling Observer live results as it was happening - and everything just sounded dire. Good to know my impression was spot on.

Yeah, I was really surprised by the omission. Some people got to see the first 40 minutes of the movie recently, and reported back that it was extremely good, too.

"We do learn how–poison gas–but it’s a moot point with an army that has a planet-destroying satellite."

Love Whittaker, but his character in Rogue One was a big waste of time. Seems like he was a victim of the reshoots - he has about five minutes of screen time, and does nothing of any particular importance, then just sort-of chooses to die.


They've leaned a little bit more into Thor comedy as time has gone along. Thor 2, for all of it's many, many flaws, had quite a few funny bits with Thor (like hanging Mjolnir on the coat hook, and a large portion of his end-fight with Malekith). I doubt we will ever gone full-blown "he has a roommate named Darryl

If Lloyd Kaufman can get a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy, I suspect we will see some cameos from Waititi's friends too, haha.

Part of me suspects Trump will resign after about three months in office, because he's going to hate the actual workload involved with being President. Having his entire day planned out for him, mostly consisting of meetings and briefings about the nitty gritty of governance, and not having time to sit around all day