
Yeah, the way he just gets more and more horrified is hilarious.

No, Leno would get Conan moved to one-day weekly, so that he could host a daily TBS show in his timeslot the other days of the week.

I find Clueless Gamer to be very hit or miss. Conan's reticence to even try to understand what he's doing, in favour of cheap jokes at the expense of nerds, grates a bit after a while.

They were remaining incognito by entering the massive pod race?

Except they don't say Wattoo is strong willed - he basically says the Force literally doesn't work on his race, for… reasons.

Or, at minimum, coming back for her later.

Put the bare minimum amount of CGI Leia in the film necessary, to write her character out of the film. Maybe have the characters pay tribute to the loss at some point.

Jokes aside, it actually is potentially an incredibly misleading headline, as she apparently has actual previous, relevant qualifications for a White House job, depending on what it is.

They are irritating because they are vapid. The clearest distillation of the desire to market to a child's basest impulses.

I've heard Vince butts his nose into SD a lot less, as it isn't the "flagship" show. They have a bit more rope to do what they want.

Ziggler's turn made complete sense, and I hope they pair it up with a promo where he savages the crowd for turning on him so quickly, after his career match at No Mercy.

At this point, I think "YOU DE-SERVE IT!" is the only chant that hasn't been 100% diluted through over-use.

From what I've read, guys like Cena or Undertaker are essentially allowed to ignore their script at will, but if you aren't at that "level", you're expected to read what is written for you.

It was pretty humorous to see a heel argue that the world is against them, because THEY should have been disqualified, haha.

I was baffled by the grade RAW got, as it didn't seem to match the content of the review itself. Both shows seem to get graded on a generous curve at times, but RAW in particular.

I'm sort of interested in where the Carmellsworth stuff is going, but at the same time what has transpired so far hasn't been all that entertaining on it's own. It's intriguing more for where it COULD go, than where it has gone.

Ahhh, I don't know if that's fair, considering she's only a few weeks removed from her long-ass, high-profile program with Charlotte, where they traded the belts back and forth a hundred times, and main evented a PPV.

Dean's "signature" moves are what kinda annoy me - especially that thing he does where he he gets hit, kinda leans into the ropes like he's gonna fall to the outside, and then rebounds off with (usually) a clothesline. It looks like crap every time he does it.

- I'm starting to wonder if Smackdown would benefit from gaining an extra 30 minutes an episode, solely to let the actual wrestling matches breathe longer. Seems like every episode has at least one 2-minute squash match, and I'm sure that's at least in part because of time constraints.

After Thuggy deleted his Twitter account, what do you think he said out loud as he ranted to himself?