
I hope Kelly gets justice for whatever Ailes did to her, but yeah… Megyn Kelly is terrible.

You're describing a (potential) action scene, not the actual background ideas of any comic book movie I can think of from the last decade - even the shitty ones.

I'd agree, if that quote was anywhere near representative of how things actually went in the first Thor.

Just went back and watched the main event again. Two thoughts:

They'd be very quick to point out that having a bug up their ass about gay people actually makes them no different than every major world religion.

As I said - any negative press coverage they would mark down to lies, and any sources they've already got a file of smear materials ready for.

Remini's show has actually been pretty good so far, even though it is treading over some well-worn interview subjects (Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, Ron Miscavige, etc.)

Scientology isn't a hate group. It's a totalitarian cult and money-making scam, but it isn't a hate group.

They have a delusional psychopath as their CEO, and one of the core assertions of the church to it's members is that all ex-Scientologists are liars and brigands who can't be trusted. They also have total information control over Sea Org members - internet access is filtered and monitored, phone calls are tapped and

…and subject them to the same rule of law as any business or private individual, where torture, abuse, and indentured servitude is, y'know, illegal.

If they are smart, that should be a big "oh shit" moment, as long as one doesn't eliminate the other clean.

And Shinsuke Nakamura is NXT Champion.

I never begrudged Rock leaving, or even coming back part-time. What irritated me, was when he came back and was immediately fighting for the goddamn belt in the main event, despite being a part timer.

Don't think you'll see the division expand beyond the single belt, until it's proven that the women can be a financial draw all on their own, with more than just the smarks who are already on the financial hook.

I still think one or both of them will wind up back in the WWE at some point.

I watched an old episode of UUDD where they were doing the final of a Madden tournament, and Damien Sandow did a hilarious rap song as the "half time show", and it made me extremely angry.

It's his hometown, so I can let those chants go. Not that I disagree with your assessment of Chicago crowds overall.

Can't believe I'm about to say this but… I was a little bummed that Cena still got such a mixed, semi-hostile reaction from the crowd.

RAW has the deeper, higher profile roster, which probably creates more unconscious sense of "spectacle" week-to-week. For all the pre-split babble about "head-to-head competition", Smackdown is still clearly the B-show in Vince's mind.

The smart money is on Mickie James. She's main roster ready, and they badly need another female heel that can make an impact on the actual title scene. We also already know she's been signed and is going to SDLive.