
She isn't really being "dominated" by Alexa - Alexa is doing "Chickenshit Heel 101".

I think it was too early to give her the belt, but I also kinda get why they did - the belt is an easy way to instantly grant someone legitimacy, and Smackdown needed to quickly "promote" someone to Becky's level.

The women always have an uphill battle where the technical aspect of the wrestling has to be on-point, because they simply aren't big and heavy enough for moves to look that solid and painful, otherwise.

I liked Deadpool, but didn't love it. I actually liked the marketing campaign for the film, more than the film itself.

Loved Carrie Fisher as a kid, because she was Princess Leia, and called Han Solo a nerf herder.

Kicking Brian Wilson out of the Beach Boys, is like kicking Elvis out of… Elvis.

Train has never been essential.

This shit is everywhere, and it's so, so old. When all you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.

Historically? Sure. On the current SD womens roster? I'm not convinced.

One other thing I wanted to mention - god, David Otunga is just THE WORST. Does anybody actually like Otunga's shitty commentary?

I'm just glad it doesn't look like they gave up on him. It seemed like he was going to be a washout (or jobber), after he disappeared from TV for a long time. He definitely needs to be sent back down, though.

Apollo Crews is a tremendous actual wrestler - his offense during his match with Miz was crisp and nearly flawless. I liked the move where he tossed Miz in the air, caught him, and then suplexed him.

They are clearly trying out Luke Harper for a bigger role to come, which is exciting. And having him in these matches also elevates the Wyatt Family even more.

Natalya can actually wrestle. Nikki Bella can not.

- Natalya cut a great promo (for once, and I'm happy for her), that was undercut badly by Nikki Bella's terrible emoting. Send Nikki home already - she's terrible. Her feuds have been awful, her promos have been awful, her wrestling is somewhat awful, and her gimmick (such as it exists beyond "oooh I'm sexy" Divas

It wasn't really anything "revolving" around anything. It was a one-off heel quip to his interviewer, followed by a "fuck this, I'm out" slap by Renee. That has been the sum total of her involvement.

Whenever it comes to stuff like this, the first thing I try to ask myself is "Is this going to lose us supporters, or simply be red meat to the people who are *already* solidly on that side of the argument?"

Personally, I just have no emotional bandwidth left for hating on Lena Dunham. I sort-of understand what she meant, even if the sentence construction made it perfect for recycling on right-wing radio for the next month. Wringing our hands over how we think the Limbaughs and Breitbarts of the world might

Has politics haven't even shifted - just his temperament. He's no longer jumping up and down on his desk, throwing feces at the cameras, and showing you cork boards with lots of pictures and red string linking them together. Why? I guess because he saw Trump doing the same thing, and realized what an idiot he

The fact that this crazy asshole found religion on Donald Trump (and ONLY Donald Trump - he supported Ted fucking Cruz, until Cruz threw in for Trump), earns him no points with me. Beck was an instrument of political destruction on television for years, and got very wealthy off of it. He's one of the bit players in