
Remember when we were happy that Cena was raising the profile and credibility of the US Championship again? Those were the days.

"While the Women’s division is transforming itself into one of the more complex, emotional, and entertaining parts of the show each week…"

Is there a move more overused in wrestling right now, than the suicide dive?

It'll be revealed as Mickie James. Mark it down.

I can't stand the "Hype Bros" gimmick, and I share your dislike for Mojo Rawley's gimmick in general, but seriously? "Date Rapists"? There's never been any indication that they are anything more than a couple of bros who are… really hyped about stuff, and playing it up to an intentionally silly degree.

While you have a completely valid overall point here, why are you picking around the people that don't fit your point?

Now THAT would be unbelievable, considering the Ascension have been glorified jobbers until last night. Build them some credibility over the next little while, then put them in the vicinity of the belts.

Well, it's not like they just kayfabe gave Dolph a title shot - he had to win it from three other guys. And they've also long established that Dolph would have beaten Miz more than once, if Maryse didn't interfere, so it isn't that unbelievable.

- Nice that they finally gave Harper a chance to shine in a big match. Just being in this match suggests that maybe they recognize what he could be, if given the right push. That opening sequence was great, with Miz just standing there looking stunned at what he was seeing.

You don't need to do that. It's enough that you thought of me.

It certainly does, but it doesn't add any value to Michael Bay's pocketbook, or the executives who keep greenlighting these death marches for cinema.

"Rethink your heroes" - oh fuck off with this, as though Optimus won't be back to full good guy mode by the end of the movie, and it'll end up he turned bad for a while because of some convoluted plot bullshit.

- I laughed pretty hard when Foley told Zayn he had been traded to Smackdown, and the crowd popped for it, when they weren't supposed to. When that's the reaction of the people in the actual crowd at Raw, maybe it's time to take some of the criticism of Raw to heart.

Had the same thought. Also, Generations is a really shitty Trek movie, so no one is making a gingerbread house based on it.

Sounds like someone has to go back and watch that scene where Groot fucks up a room full of the putty soldiers, then turns to Starlord and Drax, and gives big smile basically going "Eh? Ehhh?"

It'd be unfortunate if they actually give her short shrift in the film, but I'll wait for a full actual trailer before I start to worry about that at all.

The naval combat, and boarding ships, was the best part of Black Flag. The actual AC-style gameplay was a distant second.

Oh, I forgot about that one - that was the one they "developed" alongside Unity for the old consoles, that was basically just more slapped together AC4, right?

Agreed on feudal Japan. Mind boggling.

Yeah, AC4 is Black Flag. I'm pretty sure it was actually one of the free PS Plus titles in the past, so far all you know you already own it, haha.