
Agree. The "WHAT" chant is the most obnoxious thing ever, and profoundly disrespectful to the people in the ring.

You could see Ambrose trying not to laugh when Miz handed him that plaque, and the crowd was chanting "You Deserve It!"

Can I just point out that it's been nearly 3 1/2 months since Triple H handed Owens the Universal Championship, and we STILL don't know why he did it?

He'll occasionally log in to Twitter to casually set fire to diplomatic relations with other countries, and complain about the news coverage of him.

I agree completely, but it explains the appeal of a guy with a bunch of businesses with his name in big gold letters on the top, saying to vote for him and he will bring back the good old days.

I try to be more empathetic than to simply say "anyone under 50 who counted on an industrial job is a simp." I'm talking about towns with generations of coal miners, or manufacturing plants, who have watched all the jobs drift away, and who can't easily just retrain themselves for the new economy.

I mean, I'll gladly take a swig of regretful tears from people who use words like "cuck" unironically.

Why would anyone want that dull, whacked-out kid to star in a Fresh Prince reboot? Did these people even see After Earth?

I think he got torn/cut when Ambrose threw him through the upright leg of the turned over table - presumably when it got torn off, it must have exposed some sharp metal.

Oooh, Kalisto v. Miz could be good. I'm honestly not sure where Corbin goes next, as the show doesn't have lots of little guys, and so far his defining trait has been wanting to squash little guys.

Hope they continue to push Kalisto even though he lost. He was always the far superior of the two Lucha Dragons, and he seems like a good dude behind the scenes too, unlike Sin Cara.

They should really just do away with tables, ladders, and chairs, if the wrestlers aren't going to be able to do anything that looks impactful with them. AJ and Dean did a good job with them, but that Women's Championship match was worse off for it. And I can't count the number of times chairs or ladders were just

I assume Thrawn already knows Kallus is the double-agent, and was essentially announcing that he's going to use him like a tool now. Thrawn is so fucking cool, though he really does throw into stark relief how dumb the rest of the Empire is by comparison.

Yeah, it was such a transparent attempt to look at what worked for Marvel with GotG, and try to clumsily transplant that tone into their own trailer.

Thanks! I was trying to use square brackets instead of the chevrons.

Weren't they only bombing major American cities? I wracked my brain on that one for a few minutes, but I thought I recalled the map only showing American targets. You may be right.

Sylvester Stallone has a bit part in this movie too.

The problem with the music in Suicide Squad, is that every music choice is painfully obvious and on the nose. A big part of what made the Guardians soundtrack great, is that most of the music choices were lesser known 70s-80s songs.

They sorta teased it in the first one. I'm fine with it, though I'd prefer that they don't ultimately pull the trigger on it - just reaffirm that they care about each other.

I doubt it's an offspring of Groot, because one of Groot's "abilities" in the comics, is that he can be regrown from a single clipping of his body.