
In fairness to Strange, in order to save the Earth, he's willing to allow himself to be murdered over and over in a time loop forever, by Dormammu. That's pretty self-sacrificing.

They'd have come to an accord by the morning, and emerge as best friends.

The only nod to the rest of the MCU, is the appearance of Thanos, and the Infinity Stone Ronin is looking for. That'll factor in to Avengers 3. Aside from that, it's completely standalone.

If they cast Cena as Shazam, I am so done with the DCEU.

Once it became clear that the Eye of Agamotto was going to be the Time Stone, I figured manipulation of time during at least one fight would factor in (trailers also showed the city being repaired around them as Strange and Kaecilius fought). But yeah, that was a cool action scene, having them avoid shit flying

There have been several Marvel films where the whole world hasn't been in peril. Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2 (Iron Man 3 is debatable). Ant Man. Civil War. Thor. Incredible Hulk.

If that shit was in a Captain America movie or something, I'd cringe hard. But in the context of the tone of that first Guardians movie? The "dance off" was great.

I've read conflicting things - some that he's just Groot, but smaller. Others that he retains Groot's memories and everything, but he has the mentality of a child, so he's kinda innocent and dumb.

Gamora is more the "straight man" to the comedy of the others, so it makes sense in a teaser that they'd be highlighting exchanges between the more comedic characters. Plus trailers are rarely cut by the director themselves, and usually done by marketing people, so they really aren't representative of anything except

I assume that's why he gives Starlord the awkward hug in the pre-teaser teaser too.

It'll realistically fix nothing, and do nothing. I'll still take artists trying to use their platform to make a positive impact on the world, over nothing.

It was definitely the main failing of his first term. He mostly abandoned that strategy in his second term, but then, he also pretty much stopped trying to pass anything through congress in his second term.

And did you see that video of him and Michelle dancing to Thriller? Totes adorbz!

I acknowledge that - my point was that it was something he brought up for claps and cheers about how ethical he was, and not something he earnestly fought for in office.

He never pushed forcefully to close Gitmo - his pledge to close it was just an applause line in rallies. If it was the moral and ethical imperative he said it was, he had more options at his disposal than he actually used.

Yep. Any protest ultimately exists to draw the public's attention to something. I've grown pretty despondent from watching "the public" comprehensively not give a shit about all kinds of injustices until it affects them personally.

I agree, but the difference was at least in part because the Bundys had a militia at their back, loaded up with weapons trained on officers and government workers who were there. Not really an apples-to-apples situation.

There are other things they can do with him - he'd be a good sniveling sidekick for a heel, for example.

- They did what I wanted them to do with Ellsworth this week, and that was finally have AJ just beat the shit out of him in rage. That Styles Clash on the floor was insane, scary stuff, and I can't believe they both went for it. They needed to pull back from the slapstick they were edging toward (especially with him

Next time someone in the comments of some other article tosses off the line that this show sucks, we need to riot. Who is with me?