
I can't believe I've lived to see "white cis-male power" and "Jughead" mentioned in the same breath.

The fact that Reigns did all of that stuff and people hate him for it, could make him an even more nuclear heel if he was booked properly.

She's still incredibly sloppy, and seems to have at least one bad botch per match.

I don't think my perception is helped by the fact that I really don't like Nikki as a wrestler. She feels like a relic of a lamer era in women's wrestling, because that's basically what she is.

Because Reigns isn't Jericho or Cena, and still has to read what is written for him. Because WWE inexplicably decided to tightly script their wrestlers with terrible dialogue, instead of letting them freely inhabit their own characters.

Except Reigns has about one tenth the natural charisma Cena has in public. Reigns comes off terse and kinda dickish in interviews. Cena is corny as fuck, but otherwise likable in that bland, smiley-face way that works for morning shows and cereal boxes.

All of the tag teams are stuck in stasis until New Day beat that record. I picture Gallows and Anderson drinking alone in a bar, wondering why they ever left Japan.

Nia would be a great monster heel if they actually put her into a meaningful program with someone. That's an unforced error on Raw's part. Emmalina… who knows what is going on there. It looks terrible.

Can't believe Reigns is seriously back in the main event picture again, when the fan reaction to him hasn't changed in the slightest. Just turn him heel already, and steer into the skid.

SD needs fresh blood in the women's division more than Raw. I still think it's bollocks that Raw got 3/4 of the Four Horsewomen.

Carefully trading the belt and having her lose specifically around PPVs just feels like too contrived of an attempt to start a new "streak" as quickly as possible.

Owens is excellent at using the people around his matches to be entertaining. I still remember when he told Michael Cole to shut up during a match because "I can hear you from here", haha.

Sasha winning tonight just makes it even dumber that she lost on home turf at HIAC, and they forewent the pop she would have gotten. Trading the belt back and forth like this cheapens what it means to be the champion.

- This whole "Strowman is just a fucking MONSTER! OH MY GODDDDD! You wouldn't survive 15 seconds Sami! I HAVE TO SAVE YOUUU" shit from Mick is being laid on way too thick. Mick isn't good at this kind of forced emoting stuff, when the writing is this laborious.

Oh I know - I meant they should have transitioned him into the chair after Stewart came back from that directing gig. It was clear about a year before he actually left, that Jon was kind of checking out.

Well, by "figuring it out", he's essentially just becoming more like Stewart, and ditching the cringey stuff he was doing earlier in his run. And in the meantime, viewership of the show fell off a cliff.

Get Steve Carell back while you are at it. His Produce Pete and Even Stevphen segments were hilarious.

"…before Comedy Central offered him Stephen Colbert’s former slot, only to take it away after 19 months."

People climbing over each other for the privilege of sitting in an overstuffed theatre, and having to appear two hours early for any hope of a decent seat. And being a Star Wars movie, you know every theatre will be packed with diehards in costumes and stuff.

I'm currently playing through Skyrim again, and I regretted siding with the Stormcloaks, because I forgot they were a bit racist. Not necessarily against the Aldmeri Dominion, because it seems like there's good historical reason for Nords to hate their guts and distrust them, but against anyone else in Skyrim who