
Didn't Azmorigan basically buy Hera as some sort of sex slave in his previous appearance? That might be why he comes off more skeevy than fun.

"Can't order me around boy! I'm not one of your crew."

You're probably right, but no revolution comes without pain and sacrifice, and Sarandon wouldn't be the one sacrificing anything.

That isn't how it works - wrestling has always been predicated on the fans not having that long-term of a memory. It's the reason Rikishi can try to commit vehicular homicide against someone for The Rock, then go back to being a babyface who sticks his ass in peoples' face a year later.

The Goldberg squash could be brilliant - it all depends on how they book it from here. I was fine with it - it was one part-timer winning with his two moves of doom, versus another part-timer winning with the same handful of German suplexes + F5 that he always does.

The funniest thing about NMS was that while the name of the game is supposedly exploring an uncharted galaxy - every planet you land on is already dotted with settlements and outposts. You're like Columbus "discovering" America - except in this case you land your ship, take a bunch of natural resources while fighting

I can't comment on whatever the humanoids over on Reddit are doing, but I can most certainly confirm that NMS didn't receive the backlash it got for being "just, you know, a video game". And while, as is typical with the internet, the outrage has gone wayyy over the edge of what could be considered reasonable - some

Exactly. He's taking this opportunity to perform his usual contrarian schtick, and get himself in headlines all across the world. Kanye has always been one of those morons who thinks being provocative is the same thing as speaking deep, hard truths.

It sounds like the actual rant he went on was fare more convoluted (I struggle to use a word like "nuanced" here, since Kanye is an idiot), than simply being pro-Trump. Beat by beat tweets by someone in attendance here:…

This is like discovering plutonium… BY ACCIDENT!

I mean… critically, the RT scores for the series range from a low of 76, to a high of 96.

Does the term "underrated" still mean anything? The Harry Potter movies were massive deals when they were still coming out.

These… these aren't funny at all…?

I'll be honest, my interaction with The Onion the past couple of years has been reduced to the odd thing flashing across my Facebook feed, so I never even knew about the Tim Kaine thing.

Just put an unsolved Rubik's Cube in the desk drawer, and we can hope that takes up most of Trump's first term.

The memes of Biden as the beer swilling, Boston-fan type, have always been great.

This is pretty ironic and empty coming from SNL, for reasons that I'm sure have been elucidated on already in the comments. However, I will say that none of that is Kate McKinnon's fault.

I thought her schtick got old, and suffered from a lack of actual direction. The Honest Trailers people got it right when they said it was a movie where all four leads were essentially the comic relief - Venkman needs an Egon to bounce off of.

How often does Spider-man actually straight up punch anyone, in the first place?

$10 says he got that figure either from a dubious poll, or a dubious website. I'm reluctant to think it came straight out of his own ass, because he seems like a true believer - so my money is on someone else's ass.