
True, but I also think Chappelle's defense of him is lame at best, and pernicious at worst.

This is more or less what I was going to say. I can't stand Uber, and it irritates the shit out of me that so many of my ostensibly left-wing friends think they are just the best - but videos like this aren't any less cringe-inducing.

- Hillary fucked up with the emails thing, and she got rightly raked over the coals for what was pretty obviously a conscious effort to skirt FOIA laws - a conscious effort that has been used by plenty of other government officials in Republican administrations (which is the part no one ever seems to mention, when

You spelled it wrong - it's "#Benghazi"


This movie worth watching for the scene of Arnold freaking out in the hot box alone.

The thing that really stuck out for me about Suicide Squad (aside from the Joker being unrecognizable as the Joker - more Scarface with a dollop of the Mask), was how terrible the music was. Every music cue was the most obvious choice in the world, and pretty clearly designed to try and ape the vibe James Gunn

Stan Lee being revealed as The Watcher would actually be pretty awesome, haha.

Love you Tina, but this: “It’s not Jimmy who peed in the punchbowl. It’s not Jimmy who created this horrible world we’re living in.”

But similarly, Schumer says Beyonce signed off on this.

Wow, that was just kinda ignorant on the part of those kids.

I meant more in the sense that she altered the message, through her video. Not that she literally changed the song.

Personally, I'm still waiting for the day Weird Al gets accused of "cultural appropriation", if it hasn't happened already. He's lucky he made his bones in the 90s, and not 2016.

I think the issue is that shit like this is an issue to begin with. She took a thing that was originally about one thing, and then made it about another thing. Is either thing diminished by this, or robbed of it's "power"? This is how art works!

I cannot express how glad I am that I never got into this show, because it sounds like the TV equivalent of an agonizingly long death.

I quite liked Edwards' Godzilla - the lack of actual Godzilla wasn't a big deal, though the main protagonist was dull as dishwater. Should have kept the focus on Cranston, and had his son die as a motivator, instead of the other way around.

"He just broke him in half! Stop the damn match!"

Hey everyone - gather 'round! Stephen Baldwin has an opinion about something!

Nikki just feels like a strange throwback to an era in the women's division that doesn't exist any more. Even more so than Eva Marie, since at least in her case, her gimmick recently seemed to be intentionally leaning into the fact that she can't wrestle.

You forgot the Gobbledygooker, haha.