
While obviously not still in production, I actually do think this is French, no? StudioCanal is definitely a French publisher.

It *should* be, if they want. But I completely understand why they don't want to.

Yeah. normally I think these reactions are ridiculous and infantilizing - the stuff that got pulled in the wake of 9/11 for months comes to mind - but a movie called "Bastille Day" about a terrorist attack, days after an actual terrorist attack on Bastille Day, releasing in France, is pretty on-the-nose.

If Trump isn't paying you to manage his Twitter account. he should be. It'd give him the time to utter more monosyllabic non-sequiturs in person.

The entire scene in the hospital, where George is clearly happy to be free but none of them know how to react (because they are all selfish monsters), is hilarious.

Game of Thrones is like that water that Immortan Joe offers to his subjects for 20-30 seconds at the beginning of Fury Road; the AV Club are the people below, scraping at the mud and wringing out their clothes into their mouths after he shuts it off.

They are making an all-female Expendables movie? I thought the entire point of those movies, is that they were a send-up of 80s and 90s action movie stars?

She was up there with "Batdad" for me, in that as soon as I saw a picture I felt like I already knew what 95% of her schtick was, so I never felt compelled to investigate further.

What you're saying is, I made the right choice not to care, haha.

He's their chosen Joss Whedon of the DCEU, so it isn't exactly shocking that he has his thumbs in all of the DC film pies to some degree. Considering the minimal involvement they give film credits for these days, this is kind-of a yawn.

She's as famous as the world around her chooses to make her. And articles about what the world is saying about her, are as much a drop in that attention bucket, as anything else.

Is that what it was? I was never clear on whether it was a B-wing prototype, or just some ship that happened to look a lot like a B-wing.

"They're shitty things to do to their respective franchises" - Except they don't "do" ANYTHING to them. This movie has fuck all to do with the 1984 film, except a brand name, and busting ghosts

Two Wes Anderson films and "Knocked Up" make the list, but not a single animated feature? Seriously?

Oh god, now I can't un-see the resemblance.

I totally understand Takei wanting to preserve the character he and Roddenberry brought to life so long ago. He's 100% entitled to his view on this, and I completely respect it. He rightly feels a lot of personal ownership over the character, even if he also rightly doesn't own it's fate for all time.

The fuck is Hera doing piloting an A-Wing, instead of the Ghost? Or even that experimental ship the Mon Calamari dude gave the rebellion?

Happy the movie seems to be better than it's trailers. Also happy it's coming out finally, so people can judge it as a movie, instead of as some football in a nauseating culture war, and we as a species can finally move on to the next thing to get in a really stupid fight over.

The reaction of every Texas state/federal current and former politician I've seen, has been beyond embarrassing. I don't know how liberals can stand living in that state, unless they walk around all day going "Ugh" like Kif from Futurama.

I have a coworker I've worked with for 10 years, who I just recently discovered is an Alex Jones fan and believes in chemtrails. It was a genuinely destabilizing revelation.