
I actually think a lot of the people using it probably just sincerely don't understand that "BLM" isn't a slogan that is saying ONLY black lives matter.

No one in the MCU will ever make as much money as RDJ does, even if they were the biggest Hollywood star on Earth, because of the peculiarities of RDJ's original contract with Marvel Studios, signed when they were still beggars instead of choosers.

I forget (mostly because I block out large sections of Enterprise) - did that show ever have a gay character on it? Or even a character who was hinted to be gay?

Gong to take your comment as an opportunity to get on my soapbox and say how much I hated First Contact.

I enjoyed the first JJ Trek, because I simply let go of what I thought Trek "should be", and just let it be an enjoyable action movie. And on those merits, it was fun.

Yeah - TNG episodes like "The Outcast" would be considered pretty enlightened by today's standards, let alone the early 90s.

I always enjoyed the idea of politely applauding a display of power from a wizard. I also always enjoyed the complete pointlessness of Tim's powers.

Is he driving off into the sunset in a Dacia Sandero?

Hey internet news aggregation websites - the Game of Thrones well has run dry for another 9 months or so. I'm so, so sorry, but the party is over.

I'm torn - on the one hand, sure "this doesn't look good", but on the other hand, the only reason this $700k legal bill exists in the first place, is because these people chose to file a ridiculous class-action lawsuit against the theater.

This is a particularly funny one, given all of the pomp at the announcement of the service, with all of the artists who "owned" a piece of it, and all of the lofty jibberish about why they were creating it.

- So… are the Umbars and Karstarks basically wiped out, then?

Had this baby pre-ordered for months. Can't wait until Tuesday.

Yeah, Maguire looked about 16 years old in that movie because of his chubby cherub face, and his voice that sort of sounded like it was mid-puberty.

I wonder if this one will have a scene like the last one, where the movie literally stops for a few minutes to explain how the relationship between two of the protagonists isn't technically statutory rape. Summer action blockbusters need more of those.

Calling your senator is actually an effective tactic. Ask the NRA.

Every time I read articles like this, I just imagine these artists on a beach with shields, trying to hold back a tidal wave.

If Jon ends up being Azor Ahai, then probably not. My guess is the show lightly glosses over Jon's emotional mistake in that battle, and it doesn't really effect the storytelling going forward.

This makes 100X more sense than the idea that Sansa was playing everything the entire time.

"Sansa was running that battle the entire time" - except they've never given the first indication that Sansa knows anything about battle strategy, or was planning anything beyond a hail mary raven at the 11th hour to ask for Littlefinger's help. You've hammered on this theory in multiple comments, and I just don't