
I just picture Sansa and Jon spending and entire weekend licking envelopes, with a giant pile of Ramsay giblets next to them.

I don't think that was the case at all. I think she took off to Littlefinger the night before, after realizing they were going into a hopeless situation, and got there when they could. Jon's army was literally minutes away from being completely wiped out, and Littlefinger's army could have shown up minutes earlier

I loved the complete lack of music or anything while the banners changed on Winterfell - just the clanking of the wood dowels hitting the stone walls, as the old banners fell into a mass of dead bodies. Really made the whole thing seem small and pointless in the grand scheme.

Jon doesn't look like an idiot - he looks like a guy who was leading a way smaller force into battle. Littlefinger will get "credit" for saving the day, but all of the guys who fought alongside Jon are hardly going to see it that way.

Christ almighty was I getting tired of Sansa badgering Jon about his plans for the battle, when she literally had nothing to add except the obvious. My irritation-bone got tweaked when she was telling him to wait until he had a bigger force, when she knows goddamn well there is no one else coming, and she herself was

No mention of "We Happy Few"? Or Dishonored 2?


Oh God, I'm so glad they didn't bring any of the originals back. There would be nothing sadder than seeing someone like Will Sasso forced to go back to doing the schtick he did 15 years ago, to make a living.

Yeah, unlike BvS, where they never really talk in the first place - in this case it's completely earned. They spend a ton of time throughout the movie discussing their points of view, and then at the end of the film Tony is handed information that gives him immediate, raw pain and anger, so you understand why he no

The first suicide attempt is just a Hydra goon trying to keep their secrets, like something out of a Bond film. Not really dark. The end one is far more serious, but I think it's earned by what preceded it (the Cap/Tony fight, where they beat the hell out of each other), and gives T'Challa a nice end to his little

The thing I like about that fight, is that everyone has varying levels of emotional investment in both the fight, and their dance partner. So Nat and Clint can crack a joke about still being friends, and guys like Ant-Man and Spider-man can just be outright funny, because they don't care about the larger political

BvS, for me, was one of those things that was too big, as a fan of the characters (in the comics), to not see. But I put it off for a solid two weeks before I finally sat in a completely empty theatre and watched it on a cheap matinee. And yep, it was terrible.


God, it really seems like they are kind of ruining Jaime with this Cersei business. "She loves her kids sooooo much" doesn't strike me as a solid foundation for that level of devotion. His time with Brienne should have transformed him to the degree that he'd find someone like Cersei mildly repulsive - at the least,

So they aren't all crack shots, but the potential horror of people opening fire in a crowded concert venue is complete fiction.

Or, more likely, is it because I'm commenting on The AV Club, and can't be bothered to waste my time arguing the nuances of gun control with someone who unironically uses words like "libtard"?

Your point being that everyone with a gun who fancies themselves a vigilante, is also crack shot too, no matter the setting.

Libtards? Hipsters? All we need is an "Obummer", and I got a bingo!

I'll ignore the abundance of evidence that all gun control is not a panacea, and instead choose to laugh at the idea that you deduced I was a "hipster" from my stance about gun control.

More people, of various skill-levels, opening fire in a crowded concert venue is exactly what we needed.