
Yeah - horrific, preventable shootings are no time to talk about how to prevent these kinds of shootings in the first place. Now is the time to telegraph our condolences, before we move on without doing anything, because we've run out the clock on the public's limited attention span for tragedies.

Aggrieved weirdo? YOU'RE the shitheel who swooped in like a superhero to accuse him of only giving a shit because this person was "famous" - now furiously backtracking to say you were really just making a "rhetorical point!"

It took five days, but it's here. Not sure why they even bothered, after so many days, but I'm glad they did.

What do we think the over/under is on at least one more appearance by Control, before the end? They haven't done anything with her since last season, when she realized the paint in the basement of the NYSE was wet, sowing seeds of doubt in her mind about Samaritan.

You have to go to his house and get them yourself. They are in the corner, next to the mop.

If Caviezel is in it again, he better get to shoot some people in the kneecaps.

Dellow felegates.


I can't. It's just not possible! I'm a senator!

Christensen isn't the best actor, but I've come to terms with the fact that the prequels aren't close to his fault, even partially. Lucas got flat, bad performances from everyone in that movie - which suggests the direction and script were the problem, not them. They managed to make Sam Jackson boring, for fucks

I try to understand the reflexive reaction some people have to the idea of a show "having to" do something for no reason other than people will complain about it, and throw the various -ist words around.

Haha! Touche! A disc-wide conspiracy?

Yeah, a movie revolving around magicians doing "magic tricks" that aren't even remotely plausible, just sounds lame. The trailer had Jesse Eisenberg stopping a rainstorm, and then reversing the raindrops upward? And some shit about going down a tube in the US and ending up in Hong Kong? Or the one where he falls

Whenever I hear some Hollywood star believes in this kind of nonsense, I always wonder if being a celebrity has somehow broken their brain, or if it was always like that.

It sort of reminds me of Flat Earthers who believe there's a global conspiracy lasting generations to hide it from the public.

The really sad part was that the second one was also shit, despite being directed by the guys who do the Crank movies (which are awesome, and insane).

I can't wait to see how bonkers the visuals get when he's using the gauntlet - the opportunities for comic book fanservice are myriad.

Christ, look at the neck-hair on Clegane.

A lot of the foundational WoW lore always really interested me - the fall of the World Tree, Malfurion in the Emerald Dream, and his falling out with his brother. The wars between the various dragon aspects. The defeat of Archimonde. Dalaran. Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore.

I'd love to see a film involving the more WoW-centric lore around the Lich King, or Deathwing, etc. Or how about the fall of Gnomeregan?!