
I honestly don't think enough people understand how Rotten Tomatoes actually works. The RT score isn't the average review score - it's the percentage of reviews they track that are certified "fresh", which tends to be around 60% I believe (that gets fudged by reviews that don't give concrete scores, for example, in

Is it "incestuous"? I mean, not by textbook definition, no.

I doubt that's unpopular. She did her job, against an enhanced foe with a metal arm. She didn't realistically have a chance, and that's okay. Not like Widow, Tony, or T'Challa fared that much better in that scene.

There wasn't any development to their relationship, because I'm pretty sure there wasn't one until he kissed her (which she says was overdue). And then she went on the lam for giving them their gear back, so it's not like they are going on dinner dates.

Apparently that bit where he assesses his muscles was ad libbed by Paul Rudd. Fit perfectly in the moment.

Probably a smart place to go, since I have no idea where they would possibly take Saints Row after 4. Gangstas in Space, maybe?

The gloriously corny, cynicism-free nature of the film, is one of the things I love about it. It was like a 90's cartoon brought to life.

I feel bad for GDT - putting his heart and soul into the first film, only to have his script and his director's chair taken away from him for the sequel.

This could be fun,. if the writing is snappy, and they hire people with chops for comedy.

Liked this episode, with one caveat: This show is doing the typical thing lousier network shows do, in having a character keep a secret from another character for no goddamn reason but dramatic tension. Why isn't Sansa being straight with Jon about Littlefinger? Especially while she's berating him for needing more

If Stanhope wants to believe it's all a hoax, then that is his right as Depp's friend, even if it makes him a potentially blinkered fool.

I'm more staggered that someone gave this guy an outlet to write a guest column accusing his friend's wife of lying about his abuse, when his proof amounts to being friends with Depp, and Depp "being a really good guy", or what-the-fuck-ever.

I didn't blame liberals as "PC police" - in fact, I specifically put "liberal" in quotes because this kind of shit is extremely UN-liberal.

The Canadians are taking over!

Quite alright! I have the same frustrations as you - that "liberalism" has been hijacked by people whose impulses are antithetical to what the word means.

I think it'd make for an interesting story - people upset over the unconscious choices Superman has to make over where to be and who to save. And it could give Superman a nice speech about how he's just trying to do what he can for the planet he loves, or something.

I suspect they never even looked at it from that perspective, which in a weird way is sort-of progress. It supposed to be an image that simultaneously portrays Apocalypse's awesome power, as well as the helplessness of the X-Men before him. That scene does a good job of instantly conveying both. J-Law is

I put liberal in quotations for a reason - because I didn't wan't to raise the ire of anyone who knows what liberalism is actually supposed to stand for.

I can't find any indication on her wiki page that she is conservative, but I will take your word for it. At any rate, what I wrote still absolute applies to the bulk of the "outrage" at the bill board.

I'm all for more strong female representation in superhero films, but this… this just sounds like the worst idea.