
Near vegetable? I mean, the speech centre of the guy's brain was clearly not working, but aside from that, he seemed perfectly ambulatory, lucid, and the tone of his various "Hodor"s have always suggested that he generally understands what is being said to him.

Sad to see Hodor go, but man, what a touching ending for a character who essentially just carried Bran around everywhere and said one word since early season one.

You would be correct - my first response to this lawsuit was "oh, those corporate bastards", but as I read more about what the Axanar people were actually doing, it was clear that they were essentially using Star Trek as a means to open their own, for-profit company.

After seeing Civil War for a second time, I actually give the Russos credit for making Zemo's plot more or less logical and coherent. Like you said - he does mention that talking to the Winter Soldier is not his first option. And then when the Hydra dude doesn't relent, he sets off the bomb to flush Bucky out of

It was a shame, because Bardem was actually a great character in that film, but his master plan was just total nonsense.

He went because he figured they would need his help with the psycho-assassins.

Oliver: "You ever think Dahrk has a point?"

Too late into production to remove him from Justice League. We'll see what happens after that.

There would be one ballsy, awesome way to fix this mess, which would be to have this Batman and Superman turn out to the Justice Lords of another Earth all along.

"…it’s possible the individual DC movies will be more idiosyncratic than Marvel’s superhero happy meals."

I always find it amusing when people are shocked at the idea that a director is making a "personal" movie about a comic book character. Superheroes are ultimately just vehicles to tell stories, like pieces on a chess board. You can make them a compelling character, or a bland one.

I don't even know what a film is!

I understand her disappointment, but at the same time, it isn't really any big secret why the show doesn't tie in to the movies more.

Wasn't even going to click on this article, until I saw it getting made fun of on Twitter.

I'm wondering if that research paper will end up having something in it, that gives the Machine a tool against Samaritan

Not if the show is off the air they don't! They can just pretend all of that stuff never happened - it's not the events of Agents of SHIELD have meant anything to the movies up to now.

I think Coulson appearing would beg too many questions in the film universe, at this point. The rest? Maybe!

My hope is that Marvel/Disney will consider the Infinity War thing to be "too big" of an event, to let some intra-company bullshit keep at least the Defenders from making a brief on-screen appearance - even if it's just some shots of them fighting nameless Thanos minions.

When I saw the line in the review about the show "killing off black people", I immediately had a shudder of fear that Sava was reviewing this show again. Dodged a bullet there.

It's not the system, so much as it's the fact that Marvel's film and television arms have an inexplicably thick wall between them.