
So, one bad guy crossed dimensions to… steal purses and run away? Talk about thinking big!

I enjoyed the first Thor, and I thought the second one was pretty schlocky (the entire plot is gobbledygook).

I could tell it wasn't real, just based on how it was shot - the shots were framed a lot closer than usual, and the background was always out of focus.

I loved the episode, though I was a little disappointed that it didn't actually advance anything, apart from us now knowing what exactly they are doing to Shaw.

The rapport between Tony and that kid was amazing, and made for some of the funniest shit in that film.

The problem with Jane Foster, is that Natalie Portman is kind of a black hole of on-screen charisma. She brings nothing interesting to the role.

I'm kind of at the point where, when I hear stories like this, my reaction is just "yeah, that's sad"… but then I just want to see the actual market research, and what *IT* says. Doing the whole internet "Two Minutes Hate" over someone, or some company, being insufficiently progressive, just becomes old hat after a

Sounds about right. Feige actually was "threatening" (probably not quite the right word for it) to leave Marvel Studios to head over to the Star Wars side of Disney instead, because he didn't want to report directly to Ike Perlmutter any more. Perlmutter has a fairly illustrious reputation for being a retrograde

I don't really have any issue with the first time, when she emerges from that funeral pyre with the dragons. She had a connection to those people, and their respect as well.

I suspect the Dothraki probably would follow someone who can eat a Carolina Reaper pepper without flinching.

Frey is a wretched human being, but at least he has actual power over actual lands and stuff. Pycelle is just a pathetic weasel who licks the proverbial ass of whoever happens to be in the room at the time.

I forgot about that one! Maybe blocking it out because Qarth was kind of a dull storyline, that mostly consisted of her walking around screaming "where are my dragons?!" every episode, haha.

The scalding water is a good point. Though the gist of my point still stands - she's used this trick on the Dothraki twice, and both times it has suddenly made them drop everything and kneel to her. Why? Why would a brutal culture with these stubborn rules that specifically exclude women from positions of power,

Molten metal isn't exactly the same as basic fire though. I'm still not clear on the specifics of the whole "immunity to fire" thing in general.

The fact that Daenerys can't be burned makes for some cool visuals, but I'm starting to find it a little convenient that the Dothraki keep kneeling in fealty to her en-masse just because she shows it off. Isn't it basically just, like, a trait of her bloodline? This is twice now that she's solved impossible

When Julian Glover did that pathetic, slow little shuffle out of the room after Cersei told him to get out, I just burned with hatred for the spineless little weasel.

Is there a more useless, doddering old sack of shit still breathing on this show, than Pycelle? I assume there must be some sort of symbolic meaning behind the fact that he's still alive, and commanding his increasingly useless post.

I was fine with inviting him, but I was less fine with how easy they went on him. Christ, they delivered more biting Hillary Clinton satire in a segment that featured Hillary Clinton, than they did with any part of the Trump episode.

I think it can be done, but the "brand" has been dragged through the mud cinematically, and I suspect it'll be at least a decade before general audiences are willing to look at a new FF with "fresh" eyes.

Just let the rights revert back to Marvel. You've poisoned the Fantastic Four well for at least the next 10 years - the name is not bankable with general audiences at this point. Even before the terrible reviews for the recent reboot were out, buzz for that movie was at near-nil.