
"We can copy the processor's operating code!"

And when Tony watches a video of his parents being savagely murdered, then feels the betrayal of his good friend who knew about it all along! Laugh riot!

Having Cap's comic book speech about "planting yourself like a tree" come from Peggy, as delivered by Sharon to Steve, was a stroke of genius. You can watch him finally make up his mind in that moment.

The "This is your conscience" bit made me laugh, as did Tony's baffled "WHO is speaking?"

I liked that Vision's mistake came because he was overwhelmed by the feelings welling up in him for Wanda, at that moment. He even references his "distraction" later.

He wasn't an "earnest dope" - he was out for Bucky's blood, and held his own against everyone put in front of him, then his arc concludes with him letting go of his anger. The movie isn't about him, so we don't have time to learn much else about him, though we get a brief glimpse of scientistst-T'Challa in the

The one set to "Where Eagles Dare" by The Misfits? Yeah, that was real. I played WoW back then, and the internet was aflame with laughter over it - unless you played on a RP server, in which case you were outraged.

Speed Force was cool. Zombie metal guy was not.

Hasn't principal photography for Infinity War already gotten underway, or about to? They've said that process is going to be something like 10 months on it's own.

Finally saw this tonight - I thought it was fantastic, and managed to be a good sequel to about five different movies at once.

Reminded me of the choreography of the group-fights on Arrow, where it looks more like a few actors going through motions, than an actual, visceral fight.

I felt a little bad for Olly, until they showed him standing there in the noose with that shitty little look of hatred on his face, and then I couldn't wait for Jon to cut the rope.

I actually agree. When he was standing there surrounded by four trained fighters, and managed to take out three of them, I actually said "oh fuck off" out loud, haha.

Iron Man 1 is 75% of a perfect origin movie, and then a dumbass fight at the end, where Jeff Bridges figures out how to build a bigger suit based on Tony's cave-prototype, that happens to run on the same power source he has zero specs for.

Are you telling me that these films build towards some sort of climax?

Knowing what a cheap tyrant Perlmutter is, how do you think Feige could just "push it through" out of sheer will? Feige threatened to leave Marvel Studios, because he was unhappy reporting to Perlmutter.

Not to go against the parade of uninformed snark here (I know, "The AVClub"), but now that Feige is out from under the yoke of Ike Perlmutter, he can make things like this happen. You'll note that the greenlit Ant-Man sequel also features a female superhero in the actual title now, too. Both happened post-Marvel

Where's the green ranger with his flute thing that summons the godzilla robot?

Ahh, I hadn't noticed that! Thanks!

- Boy, for an immortal shaman, that character sure was undercooked and kind of superfluous, eh? Also, if having more light than darkness in you nullifies his power, why is he able to use it on pretty much anyone? Is everyone just secretly filled with darkness? Immortal shaman lady indicated that it's not something