
I was baffled by why Merlyn was considered to be part of Dahrk's clique after his escape, because Merlyn sure seemed like he was part of the effort to cut ties to him after he got caught.

Go watch the amazing documentary "Best Worst Movie", about Troll 2. The Italian director of Troll 2 (and his wife, who wrote it) return for a Troll 2 celebration, and he becomes irate with the actors when they start joking with the crowd about how bad it was.

Funnily enough, Frank Stallone would be perfect.

Mike Stoklasa (Red Letter Media) recalled going to a Trek convention, where Sirtis started welling up with emotion at how grateful she was for the Troi character, because it let her stop taking gross gigs in Cannon Films pictures.

Death Wish 3 is some glorious schlock. I think my favourite part is when he shoots the guy, and then the entire apartment complex cheer from their windows. Or when his new girlfriend gets killed when her car basically gets sawed in half by another car, then Bronson stands there with an utterly inscrutable expression

You can't make an intentionally bad movie. The thing that makes "so bad it's good" movies like The Room, Troll 2, and Plan 9 work, is that they were made with absolute sincerity.

A proper DBZ film would be 4 hours long, and 3:50 of it would be two characters floating in the air going "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"

My favourite moments in this show, have always been whenever Finch and the Machine talk to one another. I can't wait to get some real conversations between them this season, now that Finch has a direct interface to it in the subway station.

There is absolutely nothing "faux" about the AI dilemma he discusses in this episode. Scientists and AI researchers in the real world have concerns about the same things.

The blind spot regarding their identities that Root installed still holds - in Root's case it falls apart once she literally tells Samaritan her codename, at which point Samaritan can just create it's own entry for her.

Those flashback scenes of Finch talking to the Machine were heart-wrenching. I'm so glad this show is finally back.

I always found it odd how they portray mutants as having to deal with all of this societal prejudice, yet plenty of powered non-mutants in the Marvel universe aren't treated that way.

They really turned Reed into a cold sociopath during Civil War. It made me hate him.

I maintain that the core idea of Civil War was great - Millar is just an idiot, and squandered it with some of the details. I also wasn't fond of the lady who kept guilt tripping Tony, and who was one of the only motivations actually shown, for what he was doing.

Oh, and Harry's contraption had three aftermarket PC heatsinks glued to it - the same model I believe that is currently in my computer.

This show is kind of starting to fall off the rails for me. The gaps in logic and common sense from this season are kind of compounding on each other.

Now you too can buy a cheap plastic studio chair with cushions full of stale beer farts. These are truly the salad days.

I know, right? They didn't even have anyone quote Nabokov at length for no coherent reason!

I'm going to die if I don't see this movie soon. All I keep hearing is about how amazing Spider-man is, and how nuts that airport fight is. Gahhhhhh.

That's great. Just the fact that they actually recognize this, fills me with hope.