
Oh yeah I forgot about that - the most (potentially) Superman-esque montage in the entire film, and Snyder makes sure he looks burdened and miserable the entire time. He still makes time to soak up the worship of the people he helps, though. That's so Superman!

I pretty much hated Batman v Superman, but I really do hope DC get their shit together and put out a string of good movies. First, because I am a fan of these characters and want to see them done justice; and second, because good DC movies will push Marvel to keep getting better too.

I can only imagine what general audiences made of that sequence, because it had zero bearing on the film, and featured a bunch of shit they'd have no earthly reason to understand (parademons, the omega symbol).

You forgot "Electronica Cave Troll Who Occasionally Farts an Orange EMP Blast"

The most obtuse franchise tie-in scene in the history of movies. Literally stopping a film to watch teaser videos. I don't see it being surpassed for a long time.

The thing about the MCU films, is that they get how to modulate tone. This has led to people calling their films "light and joke-y", but the reality is that their films have lots of serious moments. They just remember that these movies are supposed to have an element of joy to them.

The very first guy was actually just Andy Signore. Then their mainstay voice became a guy who worked for them (I believe) but had an unusually deep voice. Then my understanding is that they replaced him with Bailey after the other dude got sent overseas for a tour of duty with the military.

It still amazes me how completely Snyder fucked up the Batman/Superman conflict, despite having all kinds of resources available to him, of other people doing it right.

Hard to determine sarcasm in text form when it's not painfully obvious.

They don't make them until they can get access to the home media.

I'd have been fine with Whedon continuing on, because he's another guy who cares deeply about the characters. But I'm also completely satisfied with the Russos - and apparently they've shown a deftness of dealing with a large ensemble, in Civil War.

I thought it looked alright - I mean it looked a little weird, but I suspect that's just because seeing a guy jump 50 feet into a combat roll is inherently weird looking.

I've seen the B-roll - that was a practical stunt (not the landing, obviously).

I've seen so many trailers for this movie, that I think I already know the basic structure of it. That said, I'm extremely excited to see the airport fight, which more than one reviewer has called the best superhero movie action scene ever. Unfortunately, I've even had a couple of huge (pun intended) things in that

Depends on the timeline of the Doctor Strange movie, I guess.

So, like, every action movie trailer ever made?

He's got pink eye.

I grinned a gigantic grin when Panther did that awesome pose with the claws. He looks so great.

So have we collectively determined that if you though that trailer was kind of shitty and not very funny, you're just an angry, lonely nerd-man?

I often wonder what it's like to live in Sava's head, where everything you see is through these warped beer goggles, and you're incapable of seeing show dialogue through anything other than identity power dynamics (as filtered through the mind of a college freshman).