
Sava continues to remind me of that old adage "when all you have is a hammer (in Sava's case, soporific identity politics), everything begins to look like a nail"

The XFM shows were great, as were the series of audiobooks they did on various topics.

Does anyone know what happened to Gervais, Merchant, and Pilkington? They used to be the three amigos, and now Gervais in particular never even seems to acknowledge Karl's existence any more.

Both shows could stand to have a bit more modulation of tone from moment to moment, but the Flash should definitely be the lighter show of the two.

I'd argue that Flash hasn't been that much "lighter" of a show than Arrow this season, to be honest.

Remember when Oliver took the moniker "Green Arrow", and we figured that was a sign of some big shift in the character going forward? Those were the days.

I like Iron Man 3, but I remember being kind of pissed when it dawned on me after seeing it in the theatre, that he called in an army of perfectly working suits after an entire film of him needing a suit and not having one.

This is only tangentially related, but I think my favourite bit of MCU news today, was the Russos revealing they actually called in a favour, and got the directors for John Wick to come in and do second unit direction for some of their big action scenes in Civil War. I keep reading reviews mentioning how incredible

I can't believe they cast whatsername for the pivotal role of Baldcap McGee!

For all we know that's the case, haha.

Aside from his use of "SJW" (which I actually do think has a narrow pejorative application that is valid - it just gets broadly used by ignorant dipshits all the time), I think he's probably more or less correct.

Yeah, this time around is an odd situation, because they screened the movie for online critics like a month before the release date, and reviews have been available for a couple of weeks now. Clearly they were bullish about the reception it would get (currently 97% on Rotten Tomatoes).

It's odd - I liked First Class, and really liked Future Past, but I'm just not all that jazzed for this movie. Can't put my finger on why - maybe the story seems kind of meh?

I don't think AoS looks cheap - I just question what they prioritize their budget on sometimes. The base they work out of looks nice - it's just not really a triumph of striking design.

Sure, if that's all they want him to do. Though I also think you'd need a movie budget for the kind of costume and post-processing that would actually make him look good. Maybe not.

They've been ignored because of the well-known issues Between Marvel's TV and film divisions. Same reason it's unlikely even characters like Daredevil will ever appear in an MCU film (as long as Perlmutter is in charge).

I wonder if this could mean they plan to let Agents of SHIELD have access to the entire Inhumans property?

This is a shocker. The film is getting absolutely massacred everywhere else.

I've never watched it - is it any good? All I ever knew was that it was financially ruinous for Square.

The Thor scene could have made more sense if it wasn't cut down for time. And even then, it's like five minutes out of a film that's over two hours long - hardly ever some make or break moment for the overall film.