
How To Train Your Dragon 1 + 2 are both excellent movies. I was thoroughly bummed that the second one had a pretty weak box office performance, because it deserved better.

This is the end result of a world in which lawyers are charged with protecting someone's copyright proactively like this.

He really said that? Ugh. Snyder isn't exactly a cerebral guy. If you listen to the director commentaries for any of his blockbuster action movies, most of his choices just come down to him "thinking it would look cool".

Yes, because DC seem to think that's the only way these characters will work with general audiences.

Aquaman can be as cool as any other superhero - it comes down to whether they make a good movie out of it or not, and it's too early to say on that front. Having Snyder as the Godfather of the entire DCU doesn't exactly fill me with advance confidence for anything DC are doing film-wise.

It's pretty obvious Doomsday will just be some mutated monster version of Zod, so I assume we'll see scenes of whatever Luthor does to Zod, but that isn't Doomsday's "mythology" - that's some shit Snyder made up for his movie.

I mean, I have no doubt that Marvel specifically tried to get a black director for this film, and it *would* be weird if, say, Marvel similarly set out to get a white person to direct something. I think this is the facile calculus going on in their heads. This is the same conversation that goes on around

Some have done better than others with the MCU "boost", but they've all been given opportunities since being in the MCU. Of the core Avengers, I think Ruffalo is probably the only one whose career trajectory wasn't really affected one way or another. You could maybe make an argument for Renner too. Both also don't

The writing in Witcher 3 is certainly above-average, but with the exception of the "Bloody Baron" subplot, I feel like it gets a bit over-praised. Everyone mentions that subplot as their evidence that the writing was amazing, but the rest of the story in that game was fairly typical of the genre.

I'm sure he has the chops to put out a fine episode of The Flash, and the script will largely be out of his hands at this point. Having worked in penning actual comics might give him some interesting ideas for how to block and frame the action scenes, too.

"We have a board with 67 characters on it" may simply imply that they have 67 characters to potentially play with in the movies - not that they have 67 characters in a finished script.

I don't know that you can call Iron Man's stance in the original Civil War "anti-freedom" - nor do I think that not being in favour of a Minority Report-style pre-crime division means he's flipped sides.

I'm beyond annoyed that they haven't even announced a season premiere date for the fifth season yet. This is one of the smartest, funniest shows on television, and it deserves so much more respect than it apparently gets (if the snark in this article is any indication).

Radiohead will probably forever be tied with The Clash for my favourite band ever.

"Mediums" are either lunatics, or the lowest of the scumbags among us. There really is no middle ground.

I was a little bothered by the fact that Albert "came back to life" just long enough to deliver some more critical expository dialogue, then die again. Story contrivances like that are all over television and film, but it still pulls me out of the moment briefly.

Robyn's speech at the diner was ridiculous. What was coming out of her mouth was ridiculous. The agreement of all of the support group people was ridiculous. The fact that they stormed the apartment and bludgeoned her with a 2x4 was ridiculous.

I thought the movie was entertaining enough, though the plot is obviously a dog-eared catalogue of film tropes, and Sam Worthington is a total flatline as an actor.

How do these incredibly mild, more or less appreciative comments translate into "I'd rather be dragged over hot coals than return to the MCU"?

At 59 you could easily have kids bordering around 40 years old themselves. 59 is old, but not in a pejorative sense - it's not like there's anything wrong with it, and you can be perfectly healthy and happy at that age.