
Have a sit down meeting, come up with some rules for how to make it clear that this is an unaffiliated fan project (including maybe finagling with the release date if necessary), give it your blessing after assurances they won't profit from it, and move on.

People need to get a fucking hobby. Figures the news article about this shit originated from the wretched fingers of arguably the worst film critic alive today. This Kyle Smith shitheel writes the worst reviews I've ever seen, and often doesn't even seem to understand the events of the movies he criticizes.

I'm always reminded of Fine Young Cannibals.

No - those statements are often invoked to try and sidestep responding to coherent criticisms of something the user enjoys.

You seem like a nice guy.

Man alive there are some cynical, miserable mother-effers in these comments.

I think Mad Max (the game) was kind of underappreciated, critically. Personally, I got it for PC, put on a SweetFX colour profile that made it look like Fury Road, and had a blast while it lasted. The car combat was fun, as was taking out the various raider encampments. The story was lame, but enjoyment of open

I'm actually pretty interested to see this movie, based on that released script page that seemed to have a lot of genuine Deadpool-style comedy in it, with him breaking his wrists and ankles in a fight with Colossus. I also think that red band trailer made a great first impression.

Was clearly a scripted bit, because they went to the trouble of having Schlansky explain how valuable it was, and I believe how long it took him to put together. That's like Comedy 101.


You gotta admit that the plot of that movie kind of fucked up when you sit and think about it, though.

It would be an awfully short debate, but it would have been fun to see Fry absolutely demolish his main argument about the alleged "fine tuning" of the universal constants.

Russell Brand pretty much forever lost me with that idiotic rant about religion and Stephen Fry, and the sheer number of people who linked it on Facebook, despite the fact that it was pure bafflegab that was wildly incorrect and made no fucking sense in alternating turns.

So is this going to be the "Away Team" movie, I guess? No ship, stuck on some planet, meeting some new race, etc.

They essentially wiped X-Men 1-3 out by changing the past - but most importantly, it undid all of the character fuckery in X-Men 3. like killing Cyclops for no reason..

Great episode aside from the two shots of CG Oliver swimming in the flashbacks. Holy hell that was some rough stuff.

Man, "It's Tricky" plus legitimately pretty good looking versions of Bebop and Rocksteady?

Man, "It's Tricky" plus legitimately pretty good looking versions of Bebop and Rocksteady?

The end of the Duggan/Posehn run was awesome.

Not a huge Deadpool fan or anything, but the recent comics run with with Brian Posehn was actually pretty great. I also enjoyed a lot of the Deadpool & Cable comics.